Reviews for Joey's Diary
friends forever chapter 5 . 5/16/2003
I hope you saw the season finale. This is the best j&r fic ive ever read , can't wait for the next chapter.
JnR 4eva chapter 5 . 5/16/2003
this was really good you have to did you see the season finale

OMG RIGHT LOL that was the best when he kissed her
mm chapter 5 . 5/14/2003
Hi! This is my first time to ever read Friends fanfiction, and I really like your story. I am also a Joey and Rachael fan.

I really hope they get together at the end of this season.

Well, gotta go. Great story :)
Zoxx chapter 1 . 5/12/2003
Wow! I think this is a beautiful story, very well written, and that you have captured Joey's voice and sweetness very well. It is a very moving story, is extremely plausible and I can't wait for the next chapters. (or for the season finale). I hope you continue writing as I thoroughly enjoyed this. Z.
kirstine chapter 5 . 5/12/2003
Wonderful chapter ... very sad, but sweet and heartfelt all the same. And I loved the second to last paragraph in this chapter - it was especially well-developed, it flowed exceptionally well, and really caught Joey's emotions in a way that complimented his endearing character. Good job. :)
cb21 chapter 5 . 5/12/2003
You almost made me tear up like a baby with this story! This is fantastic, and portrays exactly what it feels like to be in Joey's situation.

I cant wait for the rest of it. And I want more! Like a story of Rachel's diary and how she's feeling. And dialogue/interaction would be great...perhaps in your next season 10 fanfic?
Medea chapter 5 . 5/12/2003
Aw. . . That was so heartbreaking. I love this fic, and it's continually improving (not that it wasn't already great to start out with). Can't wait for the season finale-only a few more days!
Helga Von Nutwimple chapter 4 . 5/11/2003
Oh, I love this! You've really captured Joey's sweetness, and it reads really, really well, with these awesome pure-Joey touches. Please continue this one!
Krystal Rein chapter 2 . 5/11/2003
I think these stories are really good. And so sweet!
JnR 4eva chapter 4 . 5/11/2003
this is really good and the spoilers are true i saw the thing anyway i think this is great and you really should post your other story keep continuing
chrissy chapter 4 . 5/10/2003
wow..thats all i can is great! i love j/r stories..there definately aren't enough out its great to see some new ones..keep the chapters coming..great job!
sohna chapter 4 . 5/10/2003
I have a complaint...Its too short! I really do think this fic is fabulous. Poor Joey! I really hope Joey and Rachel end up together. I would so love to read the journal entry of that day.
kirstine chapter 4 . 5/9/2003
Wow, what a wonderful idea, having Joey pour out his feelings into a diary. You've really given his character a lot of depth, which is so enjoyable and refreshing to read, despite the content being so sad. Are you going to keep the story in season 8, or move it into what's been happening in this season?
sohna chapter 3 . 5/9/2003
Aww! This was so sad! That was really great the way you captured Joey's heartbreak. I felt really sad when i saw that episode but you've just pushed it to tears.
Medea15 chapter 3 . 5/9/2003
Another great chapter! Just a suggestion. . . you might want to change your settings to accept anonymous reviews. Anyway, this story is really developing. You manage to keep it interesting, and I'm curious to see what will happen next from Joey's perspective. Great work, and keep updating!
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