Reviews for So Close to Magic
Kiah chapter 76 . 1/30
I don't even know where to begin. How to put this in words so please bare with me. Im 30, I've grown up with Harry, with the midnight releases, the creation of pottermore I read My Immortal as it updated! Stubbornly trying to wrangle what it means, being a fan of Harry Potter and not of JK. The devestation of her actions and how it harmed the community and beyond.

What I'm trying to say is I've been seated on this train for a bloody long time. And it's been awhile, since I've sat down and engaged in the community. I've always been a fan of the twins, always tried to find that one perfect fanfiction that satisfied the itch. Finding your creation has been one of the best things I've experienced as a fan in a long time. Where do I even begin? Winnie is one of the most wonderful protagonists I've ever read, and I have read a lot of books, as an adult, reading through her journey of becoming an adult has brought back so many memories, not just of Harry Potter but also of myself growing up. The way you've written the growing pains of a girl to becoming a young women, it's beautiful and painful and ugly and you've done it so much justice.

The depth you've given every character, Katie, Lee, Angelina, Alicia, Hope, Harry, Harmione, Ron, Sirius, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Ginny, Charlie, Remus, Moody, Dumbledore! Even bloody fucking Fudge and Umbridge! All of them! Truly every single one of them. And where could I even begin with the twins?

You've given me and many others such an amazing gift. The places, the way you write about them, Diagon Alley, the leaky Cauldron, the Burrow! Even Privet Drive and London itself let alone the castle. There have been fictions that have altered my perspective before, that makes me question the cannon, forget what actually is cannon haha, but there is nothing that will ever convince me that Win isn't apart of Harry Potter. To know Harry has a cousin, and gets to have his godfather too, it makes me cry.

You've made me laugh, cry and cry hot angry tears too. Went I first clicked on this story I figured it must be finished, surely? 76 chapters is a lot after all. It's heartbreaking arriving here, it also feels like the natural end to a book, with sequels to come obviously. I hope beyond hope this isn't where it ends, I know so much has happened since you last updated. I also live in Brisbane, and I can only hope you're thriving and doing well. You are undoubtedly one of my favourite authors. This has truly been such a gift, I love it so much. Im so grateful, thank you so much for taking so much time to write.

Winona is one of my favourite characters, every decision, every lie, every fight she's had and every tear she's cried, it's been absolutely wonderful to read about her. I never once thought of her going into the Ministry, what an exciting turn! I mean it makes sense, and I'm going to be daydreaming for months about how it plays out. I'll be worrying about the twins, the final battle, the weasleys as a whole. How would Winona See things happen, how will she grow and change having to play a part in such a nasty political war? How will the cousins cope, being so far away from each other. I need a cup of tea and to sit on my back steps and mourn coming to the end of such a wonderful time and think about the future for Winona. I hope you one day will have time to update us on the story. But good things take time I know.

Also, as someone with terrible, awful parents, it's feels like it fixes my soul just a little every time I find a story, that so perfectly encapsulates the feeling of finding someone you never thought you had, especially when I get to read about them loving and caring about eachother. It means so, so much, to read About Sirius, Winona and Harry (and buckbeak). I've fought so hard to find a family and it's been a painful journey, but my god if it isn't worth every moment. And it feels like you understand me, even if just a bit, when I read the words you write, about finding family, blood related or not.

You've truly made me so happy. Thank you so much. I truly hope you are having a wonderful time, surviving the heat and have everything you need and everyone you love around you.
StarDragon2210 chapter 1 . 1/13
Really interesting start, I will read this with great joy!
blueberryetc chapter 76 . 1/1
Hey! I am completely obsessed with this story - it’s my comfort read and I re-read it every few months hoping for a new update! Fingers crossed we will get to see some more of Win - you are absolutely amazing, and truly this is the best story I’ve read so far ( also thank you for not killing Sirius ️️️)
Snowy24 chapter 76 . 12/19/2024
Amazing story, hopefully you will continue it some day soon. Definitely one of my favourites!
lullabies14 chapter 76 . 11/19/2024
I’m trying not to cry seeing that you haven’t updated. Hope you’re well and safecan’t wait to read more!
lullabies14 chapter 73 . 11/19/2024
I’m seeing there are just 3 chapters left and I’m already dying inside! Thank your brilliant mind for this chapter!
lullabies14 chapter 54 . 11/17/2024
Winona has some thought processes that i had while reading it, and that’s soooo good to read, like, this exactly what a responsible person would think about the hole situation hahaha
lullabies14 chapter 50 . 11/17/2024
Uuuuuf I’ve binged 50 chapters in 3 days! I love love love your writing, i know I’m behind but i do hope the connection with Tonks will be explored maybe ever andromeda and ted?
Sun chapter 76 . 9/23/2024
I absolutely LOVE this story. I hope you’re doing well and that you return some day.
hii-people chapter 21 . 6/3/2024
"Pinch your nose and tilt your head back"

This is actually the wrong thing to do if you have a nosebleed. If you have one you should tilt your nose forwards so you don't potentially choke on your blood.
Melody1818 chapter 76 . 2/1/2024
Hope you continue this story! I’ve reread it about 40 times in the hope that it’s been updated. It’s one of my absolute favorite Fredxoc stories and I look forward to when this is updated.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2024
I love this story please update soon! Would love to find out what happens next!
evymel chapter 8 . 1/9/2024
First of all I love the story, wonderful, superb,
Secondly I want to know how dumbledore handled the arithmancy teacher, is he willing to ruin her reputation with the teacher for his noble goals or would he explain and the teacher would be understanding, dumbledore never ruined people,before for his goals like that, especially not children, he didn’t throw malfoy out, and she showed she is bright in arithmancy and the teacher gave her a chance, ruining that for her by having a bad experience that would make it foul isn’t fair for her, I would like to see dumbledore caring for her as he cares for everyone in hogwarts,
And what about her seer abilities, it shouldn’t always be the future, the past or the present also fits, for example it would have been quite ironic if when snape made fun of her she later draw him crying over lily’s body
evymel chapter 3 . 1/9/2024
All of the painting in the headmasters office heard dumbledore says she’s a seer, surely, SURELY, they can offer something better then that, there were books with exercises and such!

And oh god she needs to go to the bloody hospital although she’s traumatized
evymel chapter 2 . 1/9/2024
That’s so… selfish from dumbledore side, instantly harnessing her ability to his use like that, that ability, seer, I can harry being important because lots of things depend him him , he shifts things, but her ability should also be used to make her happy, to be used by her for things without weight, for happiness, and jovial things, divination is not always prophecies of fate, she could use it for looking further then Harry Potter or hogwarts, drawing the present or the past, hogwarts being built, a lesson by Rowena in 1000 AC in a classroom, Fred flying in quidditch, I fear that her ability will only be used for plot and not for herself, like magic, or a wand, it should be used for personal gain as well
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