Reviews for Harry Potter: Return of the Death Walker
EffremXRC chapter 9 . 1/29
Loving this story...
But, yes there it is...
Are you using a speech to text program for this?
The typo's (if you can call it that), appear to be accent related, not misspellings.
Charlee56 chapter 38 . 1/27
I just got through re-reading the entire story and it's every bit as riveting as when I first read it. I can only hope that chapter 39 is coming soon!
Charlee56 chapter 30 . 1/2
Lordy, Lordy! I'd forgotten I'd beta'd this chapter (31)!
It's been so long, but I do love this story!
Charlee56 chapter 1 . 12/15/2024
Amazing chapter! So very introspective, and from so many differing points of view. Utterly ingenious!
Fredward1 chapter 33 . 12/11/2024
Aaaaannnnnd we’re back to this bullshit again. “Oh no, I don’t wanna be like that anymore”. Are we gonna get this like every five chapters? It’s getting repetitive. Every time he makes a change about himself and then you just revert him back to this.
Fredward1 chapter 29 . 12/11/2024
“his magic would have a body and mind capable of utilizing all the weapons at his disposal” is what you said. Well, guess what? He can age himself up 10 years to have the body to fit his magic. Because that is what you are saying is the only thing holding him back. His body and mind. Not his magic. His body.
Fredward1 chapter 28 . 12/11/2024
He pulled the sword out of the hat in the beginning of the fucking story. The hat literally told him to pull it out. Then he put it back in there and you totally forgot about it. Again, you have done this where you have forgotten what you wrote.
Fredward1 chapter 28 . 12/11/2024
Why is he bragging about his feats? I get that some people have things to get off their chest, but this is just coming off as bragging, not pained.
Fredward1 chapter 25 . 12/11/2024
Again, Sirius black was mentioned as his godfather in the will. Something that you have clearly forgotten that you have written in previous chapters. Take the time to reread your story and get your facts right.
Fredward1 chapter 19 . 12/11/2024
Again, you have forgotten that he already dealt with the dog before, so the dog should remember him. It’s the little things that let me know that you forgot entire details of the story that you’ve written.
Fredward1 chapter 16 . 12/11/2024
I think you forgot that Daphne sat next to Harry in the earlier chapters. She willingly moved over towards him and he was fine with it. She was already close enough to become friends, but then you totally forgot about that and then you still have forgotten about that. This is why you reread your work so you don’t forget shit you’ve written.
Fredward1 chapter 3 . 12/10/2024
So he can’t remember much about the goblins, but he can speak their language? That doesn’t make sense.
Fredward1 chapter 1 . 12/10/2024
Did you even once question what the world would be like 1000 years from now? Cause this just sounds like maybe 50 to 100 years from now. In 1000 years, we should be a space faring race. There’s so much possibility for what could be going on in 1000 years from now but all you had them doing was fighting in a Civil War. I get it, you’re setting up the plot but like it just feels weird. The United Nations probably wouldn’t even be around. A lot of countries wouldn’t even be around. Hell, the world might be entirely dominated by one country. Think of Halo. That could be the reality of what happens in 1000 years. There’s a lot that could’ve gone on. Hell, nothing could’ve changed, but also everything could’ve changed. And this was all you could come up with? There’s like no imagination.
Senjecko chapter 38 . 11/27/2024
I love this story! Please continue it!
Bronze chapter 1 . 10/29/2024
What a sad beginning to a story. But by the end of the chapter it certainly got much better. Hopefully Harry WON'T become friends with Ron this time around. Ron always was pulling Harry down to his lazy level. Without him maybe he and Hermione can actually get together and have a good life. It really doesn't surprise me that Ron betrayed Hermione and her family. I would expect no less from him. I'm really surprised he never joined Vulturewurst and became a Death Eater. Anyhoo, with some luck that future that Harry had to endure won't come about now.
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