Reviews for The Saga of Shirou's Summons
QuestionQuesting chapter 63 . 12/19/2024
While convenient that this has a TV Tropes for (my) quick reference… I’m a tad disappointed by what I’m seeing about it under the 'Your Mileage May Vary' page.
WeAreTheWord chapter 11 . 10/15/2024
TRUE. Action is always good but nothing beats GOOD TALKING
Sgt117 chapter 38 . 8/15/2024
Okay... the wormerfeeding comment gave the pig's identity away... given that this is Circe I am not surprised... though normally she only does this to men...
Guest chapter 63 . 5/30/2024
I sort of wanna see one of these for Enkidu
Sandwich-kun the 3rd chapter 61 . 4/16/2024
I damn near started crying by the end of this.
Endless Feeling chapter 11 . 3/3/2024
This chapter was so fucking good
LambMan2424 chapter 9 . 10/27/2023
aint this just tachie?
Guest chapter 2 . 8/29/2023
You know the reason saber couldn't materialize is because she was technically still alive inside a paradox that wouldn't happen with other servants and without avalon shirou is dead.
metacllica chapter 49 . 8/18/2023
Love this storyline.
metacllica chapter 40 . 8/18/2023
This chapter was masterfully written. Shiro and Semiramis really could become friends if he stopped being so damned stubborn. Hopefully he takes what assassin said to heart going forward.
Guest chapter 44 . 7/11/2023
God this amazing see that dickwad shinji get killed and modred tell shirou off for calling him his friend and acting like he didn't get what he deserved was pretty pleasant
ArcherFF chapter 63 . 3/8/2023
I just want to say, thank you, thank you so much for this story. you made me laugh, think and cry, you have inspired me to have the courage to make my own stories. I don't know where you are, what you are doing or how you are, but I hope you are well and I wish you the greatest happiness for having made me feel everything I said
Guest chapter 63 . 3/2/2023
Need to do one where Artoria gets paired with mirror universe evil Shirou
Guest chapter 63 . 2/25/2023
Just need the summoning to really go wrong where mirror universe Shirou and saber alter swaps places with is normal self, Everyone having to deal with evil Shirou would be fun.
Guest chapter 33 . 1/2/2023
this chapter is the best piece of crack i've ever snorted
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