Reviews for In the Winnower's Garden
royal milk tea chapter 5 . 7/16/2023
I am not giving up hope that one day your muse will sing sweetly in your ear again but as closing lines go? “The future was uncertain, her life in a state of total flux, but at this particular moment in time all Sarah needed to see was the adventure that lay before her.” That’s killer.
coriandergirl chapter 5 . 3/29/2022
And that's all she wrote! I'm sorry to see there's no more, as I would easily and happily drown myself in your writing for hours and days. This story has such an excellent foundation, and the characters read fully-realized. Thank you for even this piece of the story, I know it will continue to bounce ane reverberate in my head with its potential for a while yet 3
TheKitchenMistress chapter 5 . 5/1/2014
Hi, just wanted to say this is a fantastic start to a really interesting story. I realize it is over a decade since the last update but I wondered if there was anymore of this story any where? I would love to read it. I'll follow this just in case. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Nooo...please finish. It has only been 10 years. :-/
thepublicswish chapter 5 . 6/6/2012
We the public on fanfiction have been waiting for "Lauhau" to finish "In the Winnowner's Garden" for is a clear case of story abandonment. Further more in the case of said abandoned story: "In the Winnowners's Garden", we the public on fanfiction encourage a decent writer to "borrow",revive and finish this story.
I play wid fir3 chapter 5 . 4/27/2012
I suppose it would be too much to hope that this fic isn't dead?
DemonKittyAngel chapter 5 . 1/31/2012
lol I'm loving it. Now where's the rest? It's a great a story and really original and I want to see it at least continued! Please!
Orbykanorby chapter 5 . 11/28/2011
oh I was about to really start investing into your story till I realize that last time it was updated was back in 03. aww what a shame, I understand life gets in the way so I don't fault you for not continuing the story. its just a shame that it never got finished.. Sniff
Jill O'Brien chapter 5 . 7/23/2011
It's too bad you never went beyond chapter 5, because I've really enjoyed what you have posted and wish there was more.
daughterofthe1king chapter 5 . 3/11/2011
I am curious to know if you will ever plan on finishing this story! I loved the first one and would love to see this new one come to a satisfying end... :)
Ice Demon Ranger chapter 5 . 11/12/2009
Ohh, you are so mean! starting such a story then just letting it ...agh!

I haven't any words to describe not being able to finish this tale. :-( *sniff*
Almaseti chapter 5 . 9/23/2009
This is a really neat story. I love the way Jareth and Sarah are characterized, and all the myth stuff is very well integrated.
Gyreflight chapter 5 . 12/29/2008
I don’t know that this is a review that you will ever read, but balance requires some recompense for the pleasure I’ve had of this.

It’s a lovely piece of work, original, inspired and enthralling – and very true to its world.

I’d love to see it continued, but I understand that life and change happen to us all, and will accept that I may never get follow the threads of this weaving to their end.

My thanks anyway.


(Apologies for the strange tone of the review – I take what the Muses offer.)
Milk.shake chapter 5 . 12/1/2008
It is rare now that I stumble across such well-crafted fanfiction. Thank you for a thoroughly engrossing read, even in its unfinished state.
Helena Desjardins chapter 5 . 11/12/2007
I have to say that I'm feeling rather dejected by this incomplete story. When I started reading, I had a feeling it wasn't finished, and I am very sad to have that suspicion confirmed. I am sure you have been living your life these past years-life does tend to get in the way of writing, but I suppose the opposite is also true-and I still have a decent imagination so I will make up the adventure and its ending myself, although I am certain that it will be inferior to whatever you would have created, if you had the time. Thank you for writing what is here; I have enjoyed it very much.
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