Reviews for Voleur D'âme
john777 chapter 1 . 11/19/2022
original self insert
Shadeymankey chapter 45 . 11/19/2022
Efff I read it in one go. I didn’t sleep
Shadeymankey chapter 4 . 11/18/2022
Lol I know this is done but I love the ending. Looking forward to her reaction to being a missing person for the night
Shadeymankey chapter 4 . 11/18/2022
I know this is done. But I HATE OC’s who piss and moan about trying to keep the future together
0richierich0 chapter 27 . 11/17/2022
The thing that stands out to me about your writing is your ability to set up powerful scenes and then let your characters do justice to them. The dialogue just flows and emotions feel real. Of course we wouldn't even care if you hadn't written the characters so well. On a side note I'm wondering if Ron's dad would keep working under the boss who he knew fed his son to Riddle. I couldn't imagine him shaking hands with Fudge and accepting his condolences if he really believed Ron's story. I know your story is already done, but if you have addressed this small point, I will be really impressed with your attention to details away from the main characters and storyline. Thanks again for this story.
0richierich0 chapter 21 . 11/17/2022
I'm really enjoying reading your story and am finally commenting. Ron stories are so rare and your premise and plot line immediately sucked me in. By merging him with someone from our universe you have given your readers a unique point of view to invest us in Ron and everything he does. And wiping his memory of horcruxes was a genius move on your part to keep the character from having too much power. And if not for the inventive ways that you make Ron earn the power he does have, he could easily have become a Mary Sue. Your high quality writing and clever twists prevented that. Your writing style is comfortable to read and leads to enjoyable character interactions. If I have a quibble with your story, it's the too-detailed and too-long sex scenes. Less might be more in this case. But hey, you're the author, and it is a minor thing that I speed through. Thanks so much for all the time and effort you obviously expended to bring us this great story!
Boomshanka chapter 45 . 11/15/2022
Nice. Just like I prefer. A protagonist who gets stronger by himself.
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 28 . 11/15/2022
you have brocken the unspoken rule! you do not tell anyone that you're from another universe
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 2 . 11/14/2022
don't try and explain magic with science, it hurts my soul.
I see magic as an extra factor. curses and jinxes can't really be explained with science without it being insanely complicated.
my view is that magic is a force that can just make science irrelevant in the right circumstances, like animaguses or just the impossible biology of magic animals.
explaining magic completely with science just takes away the magic (pun intended).
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 1 . 11/14/2022
would be better if he wasn't aware of hp universe or was just a well learned muggle in the hp universe. in my opinion
BoneBringer chapter 18 . 10/21/2022
Sex scene was actually really good. For your first time of course.
chemrunner57 chapter 45 . 10/20/2022
Just found your story and binge-read right through it. What an epic masterpiece. Loved your Ron and loved Ron/Fleur.
Omnireceptacle chapter 5 . 10/15/2022
You keep mixing up first and third person this chapter.
ReaderOfFanta chapter 18 . 10/13/2022
elixirmaster chapter 26 . 10/11/2022
Ron is a good wingman, the best (most important?) trait for a guy friend.
Kingsley is such a fuddy-duddy.
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