Reviews for Voleur D'âme
AMurder0fCrows chapter 4 . 6/21/2022
he's lucky as hell finding all these books that's are literally multiplying his magic competency. it's really unbelievable to read.
AMurder0fCrows chapter 2 . 6/20/2022
it's moving to fast.
ANON chapter 33 . 6/16/2022
Great chapter! Nice job. Good pacing, good plot, and the humor was on point. Well done.
3mk.yousef.joo chapter 9 . 6/10/2022
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2022
magic for the sake of fame or knowledge for the sake of fame, trash mindset. Him not caring to be seen entering the ROR is fucking stupid too.
senawario chapter 1 . 5/29/2022
switching between 1st person and 3rd person is very disconcerting - signs of immature, or at least sloppy, writing. I hope you're somewhere less than 15-18 when you wrote this.

And did you really say Hermione "doesn't see the need to learn more than they teach her" - hello, a "bit of light reading" in first year, polyjuice potion in second year ring a bell?
Ricee chapter 45 . 5/21/2022
I was going to avoid this fic till I noticed you wrote it. an OC/SI In HP at that very specific time? thought it would be cringe. then I noticed you wrote it and gave it a shot. definitely one of my favorite fics to date
noggin78 chapter 45 . 5/18/2022
Damn this was good
nagiten chapter 44 . 5/6/2022
very nice very nice indeed
why did you have ron open his eyes twice once making his titan of stone? once when it arms appeared and again when tonks shit holy fucking shit?
nagiten chapter 43 . 5/6/2022
why are they having such problems walking under the cloak it deaht cloak it wouldnt have such problems only the books and movie did so cause jk rowling made it that way before changing what it was the whole time. thus it shouldnt have problems and shouldnt be sensed seen through or able to locate it a hallow yet in cannon is the weakest evne if it is the first one we see since dumbledores wand changes throughout the movies.
nagiten chapter 42 . 5/6/2022
how do people know snape did it? ron said draco did it unless snape told the order? and diadem a tiara not a necklace
shocked the aurrors of the order didnt use their heads more bout azkaban and how everyone was so angry. did they really think they could handle dementors death eaters and riddle at vthe same time while using kid gloves and such while gettign the prisnors out and protecting each other? they couldnt ron made the right choice and everyone else is stupid for thinking they could and hating him for it
nagiten chapter 40 . 5/6/2022
is the horcruxes even there after the ritual to sharpen the mind will it even be there when harry does the mind palace ritual?
nagiten chapter 39 . 5/6/2022
why didnt ron prevent susan any pain bt stopping amelia from dying?
why hasnt he helped the order get better? he did so with the students why not the order? or has harry doen so for sirius and tonks off the page?
nagiten chapter 37 . 5/6/2022
doesnt ron know something bad happens in a cave he reacted and knew a cave meant danger in a past chapter when he saw the boggart of his daughter so shouldnt he be more on edge now knowing the truth or coming closer to it? also shouldnt the locket be destoryed already since kreacher from what harry said or implied is nicer since he discussed horcruxes and the like with sirius? wouldnt kreacher of over heard that and brought the item to their attention?
nagiten chapter 29 . 5/6/2022
nice work
how is slughorn a replacment for dumbledore? if griselda is friends with rons great aunt how can she be doing the job longer then his grandparents have been alive?
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