Reviews for The End of Eternity: Rise of the Terran Alliance
Dunc4 chapter 20 . 2/28/2022
Good luck, take all the time you need!
GreyTheGyre chapter 20 . 2/28/2022
thanks for the heads up about going on hiatus, super glad to hear your getting your life back on track and I'm wishing you the best
BIGGZ1344 chapter 20 . 2/28/2022
Take your time, get everything solid first. The readers will be waiting. Take care.
Deafhood1998 chapter 6 . 2/13/2022
nah they haven't awoken a thesher maw. it more accurate to say they have awakened an sleeping supergiant.
Clown2107 chapter 3 . 1/23/2022
I haven't read the whole story yet but so far I'm liking it.

I don't mean to be rude but I feel like you asked for the opportunity to put Gil Alexander-like slug-humans as space pilots, thus replacing AI, those who have read the Dune books will understand.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/30/2021
This is fucking dumb the turians create handcuffs to stop the use of plasmids within what sounds like a day of encountering them and to make things even better you have some humans freely give information about their fucking tech.
ShadowCub chapter 13 . 12/1/2021
I can see telling them about the Reapers but fuck does military secret mean nothing to these people? You don't tell enemies how something, works, how it works or what it does.
WildFreedom chapter 1 . 10/21/2021
You mix up "in" andon" way too often. Also you have an entire paragraph with only a single period at the end. That's a big no-no. Parentheses also shouldn't be used mid-dialogue. A few other issues here and there.
john777 chapter 1 . 10/17/2021
keep writing
Fanfic21011 chapter 19 . 10/12/2021
This story has been absolutely fantastic, so far. It would be a real shame to see this discontinued...not to pressure the author or anything, but don't you (author) even think about discontinuing this fanfic.
I'm favouriting you, don't disappoint me.
I'm warning you.
(sorry for the threatening tone, I just felt like it. Please don't discontinue this fic)
Emporer Bloodfire chapter 11 . 10/8/2021
this would be better if it wasn't a hfy fic
A Trash Mob chapter 1 . 10/7/2021
This is gonna be very very pog i can feel it in my bones. I haven't read the original. I pray you receive a wealth of inspiration with which you create such superb ideas. Bioshock. Your a genius.
PaladinSans chapter 19 . 10/6/2021
Guest chapter 19 . 10/2/2021
Love this new chapter. Keep up the good work... More updates please?!
Blaze1992 chapter 19 . 10/3/2021
First I really loved how well she played her role in the gaining of intelligence from that 4 eyed idiot, the whole thing with the worm and how they interacted with each other was brilliant as it was twisted.

Second the whole scene with the fat 4 eye and what he did to the kids makes me wish he suffers something worse than that said worm fate the earlier one got.
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