Reviews for The Ashen Professor
Guest chapter 5 . 8/18/2021
This fic is awesome, it keeps all of the students in character and portrays Byleth in a believable light. Honestly it sucks you're not getting more recognition it’s better than 95% of everything else.
SaebaSan chapter 5 . 2/3/2021
Really love your version of byleth,can't wait for more !
Vicimus chapter 5 . 12/7/2020
This is great!
AzureMask chapter 5 . 11/26/2020
I'm happy that this story isn't over because i really enjoyed it when i found it a long time ago. i really enjoyed the way that the students learning this way in a creative way, i hope you can keep going.
Project Pseudonym chapter 5 . 11/25/2020
Glad to have you back!

Byleth's practical lesson and "hands on" approach certainly makes this interesting to read. With his mercenary background, he has more practical knowledge so he should utilize that. Maybe he can take the classes out for field trip around Fodlan and have the students solve whatever problems they encounter? It certainly worked out for Trails of Cold Steel where Class 7 travelled around their continent and solve problems via teamwork. Not only will this allow them to gain much needed understanding, the fact they're nobles separates them from problems faced by commoners and it'll give them more perspective on their duty as nobles.
Styxx Malachai chapter 5 . 11/24/2020
Glad you're back with another great chapter.
Pooch2010 chapter 4 . 1/5/2020
I LOVE this. Such a unique take on the story! And your writing ability is absolutely exquisite!
Monaxiron chapter 4 . 1/4/2020
I'm glad that you continued to write, it's a pleasure. One could mention that pegasus is only for women, in any case, the new year begins with an excellent chapter!
KingJGamer chapter 1 . 1/2/2020
Man, I really hope that Byleth teaches that the best choice is to not do war, after all, all war is is two ideologies trying to kill each other. And how the eff do you kill an idea? Or if not, then please don't make my heart ache by the clash between the four factions... please focus on the fifth group (Those who slide after hours) getting counter nuked as the ending, I mean if you think about it, no one is really so evil that their the bad guy.

My heart can't take the ache of Three Houses... that's not the reason I couldn't finish the Church route (I uh... may have jumped the gun and am severely unprepared), but still.
Kancolle Haruna Chan chapter 4 . 1/2/2020
Well, it's official. This fic may just be one of the best Three Houses fics I've seen.
Ulthane chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
this truly amazing i hope update this masterpiece very soon
Monaxiron chapter 3 . 9/19/2019
Long wait but big chapter, good work. Although the leap immediately to the battle and skipping time instead of meeting and interacting with students BE is not happy
Armedlord 2.0 chapter 3 . 9/19/2019
A fair enough story. One mistake I may have noticed is 'Dimitri leap'. Perhaps you meant 'leapt' or forgot the words 'had to' between the two words. Without either one, it makes me think of The Hulk whenever he says 'Hulk Smash!'
RaptorZeroOne chapter 3 . 9/19/2019
It is Byleth's hawk isn't it?
Guest chapter 3 . 9/19/2019
Another excellent chapter, thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
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