Reviews for Albus and Harry's World Trip
SunPho3n1x chapter 25 . 8h
This was a fantastic story! I absolutely loved reading it. So fun and great characterizations. Thank you for writing this.
lukeanimelover chapter 25 . 19h
More… i want more… MOREEEE
lukeanimelover chapter 24 . 20h
I did not know females liked bums. First Mrs Weasley and now this Lisa… im kind of scared and i dont know why…
lukeanimelover chapter 23 . 20h
That was a bit crigne ngl… why couldnt have you just gone along with the tournement?
lukeanimelover chapter 18 . 21h
Ohhh… Albus… i love this story.
Surrogard chapter 25 . 9/11
That was a fantastic story! I really like the explanations given to Harry by Albussy. Like why noone abuses contracts to achieve their goals, for example. It is quite refreshing to have some creative answers to questions I have been asking since quite some time :D

Thank you, and perhaps Albus' and Harrys world tour can continue sometime.
Aisbluth chapter 25 . 9/8
Thank you so much for this story! In all the years reading fan fiction, and even considering the source material, there were only a handful of sympathetic and likable Dumbledores. Yours is by far the best and the one I like the most: Opening up, showing Harry what he was meant to be taught, bringing things into perspective and having good explanations for them. And of course: quoting Star Wars... jup, this is my favorite Dumbledore.

If you consider a follow-up I would read it in a heartbeat.
Thank you for a truly enjoyable story.
aGnamZer0 chapter 25 . 9/3
Honestly, I didn't like the reference of 3CPO when compared to Severus (mainly because I hate the damn droid), but I loved the Sith Lord analogy. Oh, and the comparison between R2-D2 and Dobby (which is why I found it weird when Severus called Harry R2-D2).

Anyway, great final! A bit anticlimatic indeed, but Harry finally managed some kind of remote wandless magic, and Voldemort is no more.

And Harry has only started on his path of learning magic on Albus' side.

Pity we didn't get to see more of Marcus though. I would have loved to tell him goodbye.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
aGnamZer0 chapter 24 . 9/3
Hadn't expected the twist when it turned out the shark and the crocodile were in fact just playing ball with him. XD

Finally Harry has managed a remote wandless magic. Pity he didn't manage to reproduce it immediately and it's the second to last chapter.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 23 . 9/3
While Harry and Albus are glad to see the only (known) slaving artifact in the world destroyed, I'm disappointed no one will ever know how to create something similar again. Knowledge is power as would say Tom.

Harry sure became good at flying. Pity we didn't get to see more of the reactions of the students at this epic confrontation.

Looks like Harry has fans from all walks of life. Pity Gabrielle missed her opportunity to meet Harry in person.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 22 . 9/3
Marcus is truly the best. Did I ever mentioned how much I love the kid? Because I do! I'm really glad your imagination birthed him. He's definitely my favorite character of this story.

Phoenix poop, huh? I love how everything uses Harry's experiences (even if it's not Harry himself doing so) through his journey to create new things.

I'm glad Albus and Marcus found a cure for lycanthropy. Honestly, at the pace he's going, Marcus is gonna become even more famous than his big brother.

Now, the Golbet of Fire, huh? Honestly, when I saw the line extending towards Harry, it was my first thought. I'm wondering how everything will turn out.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 21 . 9/3
That was just awesome!

I had already liked your idea about creatures that can only be seen if you can see them, but for some of them to be so powerful?

I'm awestruck! I wonder if Voldemort could fall pray to them if he doesn't believe. After all, how could he defend against something he doesn't see?

Anyway, it's nice for Harry to have a reality check and realize he's still a novice when compared the wideness of the world and the experience of his mentor.

I also wonder if Harry failed to hurt the creature (sword exluded) because he didn't use transfiguration, since it's what Albus' method was, or if Albus' transfiguration is just that powerful.

Anyway, excellenct chapter! Pity we didn't get to see Newt Scammander's secret notes on the different creatures he wants to protect.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 20 . 9/3
Love how Harry responded to the perceived threat. It was absolutely brilliant!

Damn! Marcus is so cute! Honestly, I already consider him as Harry's adorable little brother. Literally! For me, Marcus is Harry's family.

Oh... I read just below that Marcus also consider him his brother. I'm glad. And indeed, the book he wrote for Harry is priceless.

I don't get why Ron, Molly and Arthur were invited though. The twins, I get it. But Harry had long let go of his attachement towards Ron, and had no particular closeness to Molly or Arthur.

Personally, I'd prefer if Harry's flying method didn't rely on his clothes. Honestly, it must be extremely uncomfortable to have your clothes pull at you in some direction. Would be better if he could make his own body to levitate and fly.

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 19 . 9/3
Honeestly, I'm getting quite frustrated that Harry still hasn't figured out how to do remote wandless magic. I get he wants to figure it out alone, but it's a liability.

I was right. Hermione did use the Vanishing Cabinet for her prank.

Oh... Didn't expect him to actually walk into the cabinet. I've only confirmed it due to the dung odor.

Still, that he's able to keep the transportation magic stable while inside... formidable!

It's honestly quite hilarious how Harry never realized he was at Hogwarts, or that he finally freed the Defense Against the Dark Arts from its curse. XD

Thanks for the chapter.
aGnamZer0 chapter 18 . 9/3
Can't say I particularly loved or felt much conection with your theory on Divination, but it was original.

Should have known Marcus had the muggle venom thing. Accidental magic is after all very erratic. Well spotted, Harry.

Thanks for the chapter.
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