Reviews for Who said video games were useless?
plums chapter 5 . 11/4/2024
Ok, I despise how she suddenly starts calling him Deku in this chapter and the last.
AuthorXX chapter 19 . 9/5/2024
It was fun while it lasted.
The party invite is where these things ends for me
Seimika chapter 5 . 7/28/2024
Right I forgot why I stopped reading this story, still a fun read but the whole deku thing bugged the shite out of me.. still hope to see this and the others updated though cause I'm sure many are hoping to continue reading. I've got sever you wrote I keep hoping to see get a new chapter
Leader of coc chapter 39 . 7/27/2024
man i wish that he continues this story i am loving it along vith the vol 3
Miguel Rodrigez chapter 39 . 7/25/2024
¿Capitulo 40?
uchiha-rune chapter 39 . 7/8/2024
welp, great chalter, Im excited to see if there will be another
uchiha-rune chapter 5 . 7/7/2024
Wait, why would 40% use 400 HP? Isnt it 10 HP per precent minus 10 HP per level? and in the chapter one for all was first activated it already levelled up once
uchiha-rune chapter 1 . 7/7/2024
ASD Fictions chapter 24 . 6/10/2024
Here I thought the name was a reference to Yugi Moto from Yu-Gi-Oh!
ASD Fictions chapter 2 . 6/2/2024
Izuku "I swear I'm not a masochist!" Midoriya is back at it again
Hameeda121 chapter 4 . 5/18/2024
Its so annoying that he so easily accepts being called Deku as if it wasn't an insult a few seconds ago, and yeah, I understand that Ochako suggests she thought it meant you can do it. It's just so weird that after years of mistreatment and well blatant abuse from Katsuki, izuku easily accepts it.

Talk about low self-esteem.
Transcendent Consciousness chapter 16 . 4/15/2024
Okay, first toga and now his entire arm and kidney got blown off; I am perturbed about his DNA getting spilled everywhere and in the hands of a LOV member or soon-to-be member, since the good doctor can apparently use DNA to clone or create a nomu with the source DNA quirks, so if the gamer system has no countermeasures we will soon have a dozen gamer nomu and a gamer all for one.
Transcendent Consciousness chapter 10 . 4/15/2024
A gacha system, the bane of my fucking existence; just fucking scrape it and replace it with a shop system and let him hunt villains or do tasks, or better yet, remove or add some to his int cap and let him use the crafting system like it should be used for instead of just giving him the shit through plot convenience.
WordSmyth chapter 14 . 3/19/2024
I’d like to imagine this event spawns memes like “would you rather fight All Might right now, or Deku with some prep time”
RebelliousPrince chapter 39 . 2/15/2024
about the quirks. maybe he could make a bet with the bllnde big mouth for a hair. win. the quirk copying can copy up to two quirks. theres also the weling/melding dude. im sure he woukd kkndly give up a hair. together the system would take them and create quirk synthesis. for a test he takes a hair from red riot and real steal uses quirk synthesis and develops an improved defensive quirk. two more guys are sugar rush and sun eater one uses sweets to improve strength the other uses the food eaten to physically change their body into aspects of the food eaten. two more to synthesize are the dragon scales of that one dude and the feathers of hawks. theres also transformation quirks. the dragon lady and the yeti guy would make something like a kirin or a dragon horse or whatever the chinese call a dragln lion
juat some ideas. great job on the fic. look forward to your next update
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