Reviews for Pack
RosesAreForever23 chapter 12 . 1/5/2021
Awesome story, though a few questions were left unanswered. For example, what happened to that Rex that Wu created? I was waiting for it to actually escape and wreck havoc on Jurassic Park, but it wasn't mentioned again. How does everyone deal with Hammond's death, and the park as a whole? Otherwise, one of the most creative pieces I've read in a long while!
Guest chapter 9 . 12/6/2020
Jesus Christ, this is absolutely ridiculous. Why are all of your stories so utterly implausible? No one acts like real people, the pacing is always far too fast and the plot is always full of contrivances. What a joke.
Crypt chapter 12 . 11/28/2020
Yeah, I couldn’t stop reading and ended up doing an all nighter to finish.

A very enjoyable story - the start was a little rough, but overall you’ve done a great job.

I would have liked a little more focus on how things fell apart in magical Britain
DOS73 chapter 12 . 11/26/2020
Thank you for writing this story I quite enjoyed it and I hope you will continue to keep up the great work.
killernooch chapter 9 . 11/24/2020
i did not expect this from a jurassic park crossover but good job its a great story
ZeaDragon chapter 12 . 11/21/2020
Wonderful. Finish off your fic with a sexual innuendo xD
digbygreen chapter 12 . 11/12/2020
Amazing story! But I wanted to read about Harry popping Voldie's head. Thanks for writing.
Ryan chapter 1 . 11/3/2020
Great story and appropriate ending!
Loulloko chapter 12 . 11/1/2020
This was very different, I can safely say that I did not spot a single cliche or overused trope, this was good.
Lahmikhara chapter 12 . 10/31/2020
I can honestly say I had no clue what to expect from this story, but I really enjoyed it, thank you for posting all these great reads.


Kagey98 chapter 11 . 10/29/2020
Great! Thank you for sharing your talent!
bjorn aleswiller chapter 12 . 10/25/2020
I have no idea if the story was finished or not but if not then you have the perfect end point here... Ties it all up nice but also leaves it wide open if you want to write more... (Totally read this all at once in one 9-10 hour sitting... Couldn't put it down)
wsbenge chapter 11 . 10/21/2020
A lot of times clones come up as being the same people reborn. As I understand it clones are like twins or triplets. Just different people. Cloning specific separate organs would be interesting ... if we knew which DNA strands. Enjoying your story.
Katescats chapter 12 . 10/18/2020
Hi just read your story it was very good.
RevDorothyL chapter 12 . 10/19/2020
A very addictive read! I made the mistake of starting this late in the day, and it's now going on 3 AM, but I couldn't sleep until I finished it. Very well done!
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