Reviews for A Gamer's Fate
uchiha-rune chapter 24 . 7/14/2024
how do I get a certificaion for being a badass? I would like to get one
uchiha-rune chapter 9 . 7/13/2024
if there is a demale Zelretch she would be a magical girl
PokeyWings207 chapter 38 . 5/28/2024
This fic makes me nostalgic, currently I prefer systems like those of Dark Wolf Shiro, but the one in this story is not as annoying as the original gamer, I would have liked to see what you would do with the losbelt 6 scenario, but oh well you can still dream a return of this fic. The JoJo guy was so offended that he wrote a bible hahaha
JoJoReferenz chapter 26 . 2/13/2024
This fic is basically a perfect example of why most Gamer fics are considered trash-fiction.

I don’t know why I’ve even read it to this point, maybe I’ve been hoping that something changes, but no; it’s just endless mind-numbing grind without any coherent plot whatsoever. The author apparently decided to build their narrative by pulling the most stupid OP shit they know about into a single boiling pot of chaotic madness and letting it cook. Unsurprisingly, the result is a steaming pile of garbage.

It’s especially stupid since many of those elements simply cannot coexist within the same worldline simultaneously without breaking the coherency of the entire setting and creating a tsunami of plot holes. So don’t expect any consistency or for your Suspension of Disbelief to survive past the first few chapters. Shit starts going out of whack very early on and never stops, only making less and less sense with each consecutive chapter.

It’s not a story, it’s a madhouse of disjointed fanfic ideas hastily stitched into a single messed up grindfest. Because apparently having larger and larger numbers and more and more OP skills/enemies is more important than telling the actual story.

The cherry on top is that most of the time Shirou is more of a protagonist than the actual protagonist. She’s as flat and bland and Mary Sue as one would expect from any low-effort Gamer trashfic, and her personality at any given moment depends solely on the whims of the author. She’s a placeholder character, basically. Why is she even here, who knows…

Also, don’t expect any actual Fate here, since the author completely nuked the setting into dust at the very beginning and turned it into… whatever the hell this is. They probably thought they could single-handedly build a better story-line than the entire Type-Moon studio. In a Gamer Fic… *sigh*…
Mr-Luca-Wolf chapter 2 . 12/26/2023
Why id creat i hate that skill
Mr-Luca-Wolf chapter 1 . 12/26/2023
Soo no OP skills from the start nice
ayybb chapter 9 . 12/17/2023
Glad the protagonist was able to save his useless harem members again.
wtfchrlz chapter 9 . 12/17/2023
Her eyes are so inconsistent. Why isn't she constantly using them on everything to learn new skills? Why can't she summon working NP like Archer since it's just a basic spell taking to the nth degree? She only uses them to learn something when she's about to die.

The MC should basically have all the power of Shirou plus the Gamer system and she barely uses either.
wtfchrlz chapter 7 . 12/17/2023
Is the MC the MC or is Shirou? At this point the actual MC is just the second member of Shirou's harem.
wtfchrlz chapter 6 . 12/17/2023
She beat multiple servants when she was captured but now all of a sudden she's completely outclassed by all of them?
patrickmgrimm chapter 38 . 10/4/2023
You've spun such a wonderful tale!
Keep Going! Keep Crafting your Wonderful World in the Vast ocean that is the Multiverse
May the Muses sing to you their song and help write the story you have drawn.
Xyn0x chapter 18 . 8/26/2023
I can't fathom the reactions of the ultimate ones who are taking a nap only to be awakened by this lul
KenjiApex chapter 3 . 5/30/2023
Gamer logic is Questionable
goeti4 chapter 1 . 3/7/2023
yeah, Shirou being Shirou, he immediately believes her
Guest chapter 30 . 3/1/2023
Rimuru is a he, also when update
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