Reviews for The RWBY Casts Watches the Multiverse
Vist9797 chapter 42 . 1/3
It’s already 2025. Seriously when will you be coming back here? Are you active right now?
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 12/9/2024
Hey there! I hope you're doing great!

I just finished reading your story The RWBY Casts Watches the Multiverse, and I absolutely loved it! I'd be thrilled to adapt it into my comic style or even animation. I'd work on it as a commission, and I think you'd really enjoy the final result something you might even want to share!

I'm a digital artist open for commissions and have a few spots available. I work on various types of artwork, my rates are reasonable, and I always deliver high-quality pieces. If you're interested, let’s discuss it further!

You can reach me here:
- Discord: baran59354
- DeviantArt: baran59354
- Twitter: ZoyeZest
- Instagram: baran59354

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Jareth Arian chapter 8 . 11/1/2024
You know, in the DC x RWBY Comics, a Chill Grimm is a type of Grimm that Possessed Humans and mostly Described as a Sub-Species of Geist.

Well, base on my Memories at least.
Yutah123 chapter 25 . 9/12/2024
"It was time to RETAKE the island from the occupying Imperial Japanese Army."

"Occupying below the island's cliff were the American soldiers tasked with ridding the island of Japanese OCCUPATION."

These sentences are inaccurate. The events of Hacksaw Ridge occurred in Okinawa, which is undisputed Japanese territory. There's no "retaking" the island because the Americans never had them to begin with, and it will be the Americans who'll be on the "occupation", not the Japanese.

I'd appreciate more historical accuracy if you're going to cover historical events.
brandonpark05 chapter 42 . 8/31/2024
Honestly, it would be very cool to see the RWBY cast react to the movie Deepwater Horizon.
bob the titan chapter 42 . 7/27/2024
do RWBY:30Days Lee Remake. ruby will freak
Hecseferblade chapter 42 . 6/7/2024
This was pretty good, some viewings is skipped because I wasn’t that interesting even though I gave em a try, but it’s pretty good with how consistent it is. If your looking for another distressing moment to show them, Sukuna vs both Jogo and Mahoraga and ending on yuji looking out to the destroyed city of Shibuya would really hit home both on how terrifyingly powerful someone can be and what the extent of damage could happen if they don’t reign in their control when fighting in the city, like say tossing a bunch of cars off of a highway for example
Mr. Awesome chapter 15 . 4/19/2024
Please do the scene where King Kong protects Ann Darrow from three V. Rexes. That fight was as epic as ever.
ranjira1988 chapter 23 . 4/10/2024
ranjira1988 chapter 10 . 4/10/2024
ironic Ironwood calling bombing their own troops despicable when he tries to bomb mantle and abandon it and the rest of Remnant to lift Atlas into the sky in a vain attempt to escape Salem. fucker is a hypocrite. he also shoots a kid. not cool.
Guest chapter 42 . 3/5/2024
Zulu Dawn: Battle of Islandawana please if possible for a future update, if you ever do.
Allqu chapter 42 . 3/6/2024
What uf you make them react to animatrix? The second renaissance Part 1 and 2
wearedeadpool chapter 23 . 2/14/2024
I don't know if you original stories with established medias, but could you do a Doctor Who one, I kinda already have my own character list for which RWBY characters would be which Doctor, though I guess I could say what the story would be about first.

the story is that, many incarnations of the Doctor (even some from alternate timelines) are randomly teleported together to an unknown planet, they work together to figure out what is going on, eventually learning that the Valeyard (a future version of the Doctor in some way, as his true origins are still unknown to this day), who brought as many incarnations of the Doctor (most of whom are his past selves) there as possible, to simultaneously steal all their Regenerations for himself, though obviously the Doctors would beat him in the end and go back to their proper place in time, with only the latest incarnation of the Doctor (from each Regeneration timeline) remembering what happened there.

now for the character list.

main line:

1st Doctor - Lionheart
2nd Doctor - Oobleck
3rd Doctor - Jacques
4th Doctor - Torchwick
5th Doctor - Taiyang
6th Doctor - Sun (took his face from the Time Lord Maxil, who shot the 5th Doctor once)
7th Doctor - Qrow
8th Doctor - Ren
War Doctor - Ironwood
9th Doctor - Mercury
10th Doctor - Jaune
11th Doctor - Neptune
12th Doctor - Ozpin (took his face from the Roman Lobus Caecilius, who the 10th Doctor saved)
13th Doctor - Neon
14th Doctor - Jaune (took his face from the 10th Doctor)
15th Doctor - Flynt
the Curator - Torchwick, Sun, and Neptune (the Curator is a distant future incarnation of the Doctor, and is known to have revisited former faces they once had, like how the 14th Doctor went back to the 10th Doctor's face, though the only known faces the Curator has used again are the 4th, 6th, and 11th Doctor's face, though they definitely reused others of course)

past secret incarnations:

1st Timeless Child - Ruby
2nd Timeless Child - Emerald
3rd Timeless Child - Pyrrha
4th Timeless Child - Cinder
5th Timeless Child - Weiss
6th Timeless Child - Yang
7th Timeless Child - Oscar
(these next 8 are from the ClassicWho episode storyline "The Brain of Morbius", which sadly thanks to the stupid Timeless Child storyline, they are now canon Doctors)
1st Morbius Doctor - Adam
2nd Morbius Doctor - Neo
3rd Morbius Doctor - Tyrian
4th Morbius Doctor - Summer
5th Morbius Doctor - Raven
6th Morbius Doctor - Winter
7th Morbius Doctor - Maria
8th Morbius Doctor - Hazel
Fugitive Doctor - Glynda

future incarnations:

(now rather any of these will ever come to pass or not now, I don't really know)
The Emperor - Ghira
Fred - Cardin
Father of Time - Ozma
the Relic Doctor (from the Doctor Who novel "Alien Bodies") - Kali
the Valeyard - Salem

now for the alternate timelines of the Doctor's personal timeline (well, as least alternate future for the 8th Doctor), which I'll state what Doctor Who media they are from.

The Curse of Fatal Death:

9th Doctor - Nora
10th Doctor - Blake
11th Doctor - Port
12th Doctor - Clover
13th Doctor - Willow

Scream of the Shalka:

9th Doctor - Blake

lastly, other versions I couldn't mention above.

other versions:

the Meta-Crisis Doctor - Jaune
the Master Doctor (when the Master took over the Doctor's body and became their next incarnation in "The Power of the Doctor") - Watts

just realized this was more just me explaining which RWBY characters I'd have as which incarnations of the Doctor (which I'll probably keep updating as more incarnations of the Doctor are introduced), but whatever.

I guess if you ever continue this Fanfic, you can maybe do this if you want to.
Guest chapter 42 . 12/19/2023
Guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2023
Do real steel final fight
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