Reviews for The Pack Survives
Primus2021 chapter 12 . 1/7
I really wish that Sansa had stayed in the North. It would have made it more simpler if Theon only had to guard and maybe train Arya.
JManM chapter 46 . 12/13/2024
You can put the knowledge in the Ned, but you can't take the dumb out of the Ned. Was lame, felt pointless, and now one of the only worthwhile PoVs is gone.
JManM chapter 44 . 12/13/2024
Jon the Rizzler.
Literary Consumer chapter 57 . 11/25/2024
I always come back to this fic when I want a good time travel one! Even incomplete (though hopefully not abandoned) it’s a fave!
Nicky995 chapter 59 . 11/7/2024
Ugh this is so good. I do hope you’ll come back sometime soon. So sad about Benjin.

Only thing, how come Marna and William didn’t get direwolves since all their other cousins got one each?
rambotwosixtwo1 chapter 46 . 10/24/2024
ffs really? couldnt have just kept him around a bit longer?
cameron1812 chapter 59 . 10/15/2024
Stumbled across your brilliant story yesterday and have binged it. Absolutely awesome work, thank you!
Callum Runchman chapter 59 . 10/9/2024
Wait so we never get to see the rest of this. Peace has f8nally settled in westeros and the long night is practically upon us and you just abandon it like that. Not cool bro. We need to know what else happens
nagiten chapter 48 . 9/7/2024
interesting poor Arthur atleast he at rest now
wasnt the dragon the other way around white dragon red eyes?
nagiten chapter 44 . 9/7/2024
oh boy the rose knows
why is margaery calling renly her betrothed if they are married already? betrothed means going to be wed i think.
nagiten chapter 39 . 9/7/2024
so eddard didnt know bout the caches? i guess he wouldnt if humanity lost to the night king.
huh well they know now...which is not good since you know crazy people run the kingdom and the wildfire could explode.
nagiten chapter 34 . 9/7/2024
so cateelyn forgot the giants herself? seems a little forgetful she knew they helped build the moat yet didnt think when robb said he would pull the twins down that he could?
so catelyn didnt click when domeric said marbrand wanted to put the wolf to sleep once and for all that it was jon? i mean who else has a wolf down south before robb came down? Arthur and jon would handle the ravens would handle the scouts freys wouldnt well not really
nagiten chapter 31 . 9/7/2024
interesting keep up the good work
so robb wont send people through the marsh/neck to get down south another way? i mean with howland and more men everywhere in the north you could use the neck more. it does after all go down past the twins and tywin wont see it coming. pincer within a pincer
nagiten chapter 9 . 9/6/2024
why did you repeat bran chapter at the top here?
Robert Doran chapter 46 . 9/2/2024
He is with Ashara now and he DID live enough to Knight Jon :)
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