Reviews for Blood for the Blood God
Kairan1979 chapter 8 . 13h
Looking forward to see Izuku dealing with villains.
hellfire45 chapter 53 . 10/31
Nice to see this and Blood gift and Abundant Fertility seems quite interesting
Dreamweaver Mirar chapter 2 . 10/31
Dude you really need a beta. Way too many spelling mistakes. The story looks like it has potential but I'm not sure I can keep reading with all these errors.

For instance, here's a few errors in just the last few paragraphs:

hipnotical - hypnotic
like he was appreciating like wine- like he was appreciating fine wine
there was nothing compared to the real deal-it was nothing compared to the real deal
all, but useless-all but useless
paciently - patiently
theDireOne chapter 52 . 10/30
The chainsaw sword doesn't make sense. They would NEVER let a Pro Hero use such a brutalvillainous weapon like a chainsaw sword, let alone a child hero in training. The guns are already pushing it, but they work because of rubber bullets. It does not fit.
theDireOne chapter 52 . 10/30
Suneater's Quirk is called [Manifest], not [Chimera]. The Quirk [Chimera] belongs to one of Nine's followers.
Harleking31 chapter 53 . 10/30
Beefy boy
Guest chapter 53 . 10/29
this is pretty cool, not gonna lie
Antagonistic Writer chapter 53 . 10/29
The S.T.A.K.E and The R.O.S.A.R.Y as well as The S.H.A.C.K.L.E.S would be interesting to read the capabilities of, I don’t even remember which chapter they appeared in, only that the HPSC made them to restrict Izuku.
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 52 . 10/29
Wonder when Toga will pop up again.
Shikyo no Kyoufu chapter 53 . 10/29
When need to get Izuku to star in a castlvania game stat!
smallszay106 chapter 53 . 10/29
Man that's a lot of at techniques
Walker300 chapter 53 . 10/29
Awesome character sheet, but I notice that you didn’t include Fajin in the one for all section, is that an error or a hint?
Kairan1979 chapter 6 . 10/29
It's a shame Uraraks got a bad match-up.
Fanfic enjoyer820 chapter 53 . 10/29
the quirk factor he got from poltergeist doesn't make sense its a telekinetic quirk it doesn't summon creatures so why would it have that effect on Izuku shouldnt it improve his telekinetic abilities
RonaldM40196867 chapter 53 . 10/29
Izuku has much to teach us.

Happy Halloween!
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