Reviews for The Conspiracy of Ice and Fire
Dretnuh chapter 19 . 8/29/2024
It’s a good thing Varys is on there side. Because the reveal of Lyanna and Raegar being in love from Lysa Aryn. Combined with Littlefinger talking about a trueborn Stark with a dragon? He’d definitely have put the pieces together. And honestly so should atleast some people in attendance in the court…. Like they’re just dangling it out there.
Shin Shin Tanren chapter 2 . 8/4/2024
Littlefinger is a 15-year-old Ward of Hoster Tully at this point in time, who has just been sent back to the fingers in disgrace.

He has No spy network. He doesn't even get appointed as A customs officer in Gulltown
for 6 more years.

varys is believable , but your comment about is completely ridiculous.
Dretnuh chapter 16 . 7/10/2024
Dude, I’m so confused…. You do realize that Cassel is a last name right? Like the person you are referring to in this scene is not just “Cassel”. This is Ser Rodrick Cassel, there is also Jory Cassel, and Beth Cassel. And that’s just off the top of my head!
Dretnuh chapter 11 . 7/10/2024
Should have just torched those Ironborn. Nobody likes the ironborn, plus it would help keep his secret…
Dretnuh chapter 5 . 7/9/2024
Also, kind of annoying how people in some stories tend to know everything about everyone, like they themselve were with us in watching them on Game of Thrones, instead of living an entire continent away from them and having met them like once lmao.
Dretnuh chapter 5 . 7/9/2024
I’m confused, they just forget about Vasaerys, or do they only care about Dany because they’re already planning on betrothing her to Jon? Like at this point he kifht not be quite mad yet… not to mention its been 10 fucking years damn near and yall aint sent someone to protect Dany and Vaesarys yet?!
Dretnuh chapter 18 . 4/13/2024
Bruh what is the freaking order of these chapters?! So frustrating when you keep talking about stuff that happened in past chapters like they’e in the future and do it like every other chapter. Like once or twice ok. But this is getting ridiculous!
M3troProductions chapter 16 . 4/5/2024
I love what you did with this
Thebootytroll chapter 28 . 2/5/2024
He’s to much of a pacifist making all these promises to not go to war it makes no sense and he would never be respected
Thebootytroll chapter 17 . 2/4/2024
I just gotta say you have so many people falling head over heels for jon when I think most would at least be wary of him especially the free folk
Thebootytroll chapter 11 . 2/4/2024
Also it’s a good story you id just say theres too much traveling and barley any training and fighting those need to be in the story as well so everyone gets a understanding of how good he is woth a sword now compared to later giving kinda a journey through his swordsmanship on the side of the story
Thebootytroll chapter 11 . 2/4/2024
You need to rewrite how the interaction between jon and the dragons most of them are ether cringe or it seems like you make the dragons way too human like they are smart beasts but they are still beasts they would only listen to commands and take some affection you wouldn’t be needing to have a whole conversation with then to get them to do what you want we all saw that in the house of dragons
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2023
Gods, are you a retard? Aerys was a massmurderer and Rhaegar a kiddyfiddler, you retard shit.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/15/2023
Stpidity of a silly fanboy shit, stop writing
Guest chapter 9 . 8/15/2023
You are an undereducated whoreson and a dumb Childrapistrhaegar fanboy
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