Reviews for A Young Girl's Delinquency Record
typo chapter 29 . 2/22/2020
include Francois in the coverage - include the Francois republic in the coverage

The people are called the Francois, the country is called the Francois republic.
Guest chapter 29 . 2/22/2020
I hope that once you give Tanya a clue there will still be plenty of the story left to really explore and deepen the romantic part of their relationship.

Especially if some of it has to be posted on Archive of Our Own instead of here :-)

And I'm really curious as to what happened between Visha, and "the Republican garrison commander's thirty year old wife"
Guest chapter 29 . 2/22/2020
Really creepy that you wrote that slimy guy Hughes with Jenny, a teenager, please remove it, it's in poor taste.
Mizuru-chi chapter 20 . 2/21/2020
This irony is great.
Mizuru-chi chapter 15 . 2/21/2020
The last few chapters were a bit iffy with the characterization, where Tanya somehow got roped up into situations that should have been more under her control. This chapter however manages to bring it back. Good work!
Guest chapter 29 . 2/20/2020
I love this so much. this is my favorite tanya story by far :)
Guest chapter 29 . 2/20/2020
It's a very good story, I like the concept of Tanya having the money and resources to form a faction of Loyal Mercenaries. I would also like to explore the world.
Acerman chapter 29 . 2/20/2020
My favorite part of this chapter was Elya and Mary's interactions. Mary is finally starting to feel like a person to me. I think you're doing good with her.
Kardikek chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
Glorious. That is a ll.
woodxvii chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
She really cant turn it off lol. Also I originally thought viktorya was as unaware of her own feeling as tanya is, but it seems clear here that she knows exactly what she wants and is actively, diligently seducing tanya
carl9390 chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
I wonder if Mary will ever see that tanya leaves places better than she found them
BrotherCaptainSheperd chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
Hah! Tanya cannot Cannot, you hear me, resist starting things. She's a reincarnate from a modern world into a world around 100 years behind. She's also a fugitive wrongly accused, wanted by almost every country and hunted down by the best, including members of her own former military. I'd say stopping at nothing less than a supercorporation with territory is unacceptable haha
red1997 chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
Good chapter.
Xemenon chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
Great chapter.
SoleReclaimer chapter 29 . 2/18/2020
Visha saw an opportunity to openly flirt and court Tanya and she damned well took it. Tanya is also completely on board with it and has no complaints! Love it.

And Tanya is still doing her thing, causing problems and increasing her success while all her opposition (and even allies) pull their hair out trying to figure out what goes on inside that fairy like head.
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