Reviews for A Young Girl's Delinquency Record
Guest chapter 36 . 3/27/2022
Good Tanya stories are amazing
Guest chapter 9 . 3/15/2022
Not gonna lie, shedding the pretenses of saying "Dacia" this and "Rebublic" that is both refreshing and depressing at the same time. Refreshing because you are simply taking the thin veil that covers what the series is really about and depressing because for all of their obvious similarities to real life countries that they do have quite a bit of differences. You are taking too many liberties with the source material in my opinion. Anyways, this is great but I'd rather this be written how Youjo Senki is where the author intentionally changes things to make it give a sense of fantasy.
Guest chapter 36 . 3/15/2022
I can’t find it on Questionable Question can anyone tell me how
Singular Ash chapter 36 . 3/12/2022
The words “foot-long bitch-breaker” were said in the alternative version of this chapter.
Singular Ash chapter 36 . 3/12/2022
I don’t know if it’ll get deleted or some other consequence will occur but know that I tried. It’ll be my next comment after this one.
Lupin'sLuckyLibrary chapter 36 . 3/11/2022
WarGlory chapter 36 . 3/11/2022
carl9390 chapter 36 . 3/11/2022
Great to see this back it's literally my favourite Tanya story.
beard boy chapter 36 . 3/10/2022
hell yes! I am so happy that this is back grate chapter lets goooo!
Sdarian chapter 36 . 3/10/2022
It's great to see them finally getting together! And it's nice that Tanya immediately shifted her plans to make sure that Visha is now added to all of them.

Really looking forward to reading more!
zakan chapter 36 . 3/10/2022
FINALLY! The ultra expected love confession has come to us! Love the story! Keep the good work, please!
Alfha Robby chapter 36 . 3/10/2022
Thank goodness author skip these Turkish xenophobic remark else I might skim read this novel.

Also poor Lena she gonna have to learn economy enough to not get tricked by these not-swiss bankers.

And lastly let the ship of tanyaxvisha board smoothly.
Karmic Acumen chapter 11 . 3/8/2022
Damn you, Being X
Chemm256 chapter 35 . 2/22/2022
Love this story, I like how Tanya, sometimes unwittingly, is a force of good here)
Also, the omake on an island where she's revealed to be the boss of this shadowy international organization gives me strong James Bond villian vibe. The only thing absent is volcano on the island)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2022
Love this fi, hope for more
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