Reviews for Brightest Doom
carrotcakeisreallygood chapter 4 . 1/16
Should of gone with a doom look
carrotcakeisreallygood chapter 1 . 1/16
I mean you might as well chance it to victor
Twilight-Lloyd chapter 22 . 1/7
The night the farmboy realizes that he’s not as vanilla as he thought
hugofeer65 chapter 1 . 1/5
He advised you to seek help to deal with your porn addiction, friend.
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 1 . 1/1
this isnt even dr doom, just some guy with tge same last names.
throughout tge beginning of the chapter my suspension of disbelief was straining, but as soon as you made him fall into a hole, it was shattered.
vincent is written like a typical mary sue type fanfic character and is nothing like a real person.
wearedeadpool chapter 5 . 12/20/2024
great chapter.
N2 chapter 31 . 11/22/2024
Please continue.
flys36 chapter 4 . 9/24/2024
I just read the A/N for this chapter, and this is the problem I have with this story.

He is not Victor Von Doom Marvel supervillian. He is Vincent Doom, a normal cillage student. He is not Royalty or a villian, there is no reason he should be talking like this!
Gt chapter 31 . 9/13/2024
Más capítulos
SinfulScribbles chapter 2 . 9/3/2024
Why is an OC who just shares the same last as doom acting as if he actually is, like not intentionally doing so but even slipping up and revealing things that arent true about him but are true about Dr. Doom. That and the whole “getting documentation from a country thay doesnt exist.” thing makes it hard to suspend disbelief. T
Guest chapter 31 . 8/4/2024
I'm getting confused with the style of writing that you do it feels like your language is not english. The story is wonderful I'll say that the story is wonderful may be slowing it down and adding more Scenes to build up the pace It goes right now it's a little too fast maybe slow it down just a tiny bit event have more scenes in betweand make longer chapter's size is fine I'm just saying what comes to mind But the main reason I'm writing this is because you because I'm getting confused on which character is talking at which time you're doing good at it but like focus on the person's POV And not focus on other people's POV unless the main character doom is in that situation and can hear the thoughts of those people
Guest chapter 2 . 7/31/2024
I this is supposed to be doom or a person roleplaying doom? Hopefully the character development comes and he stops playing at doom. Also, any interaction with girls is automatically cribge content for now
Blue-Happens chapter 2 . 7/9/2024
are... are you an incel? this has to be parody right. This is so comically in the danger zone idk what to say.

this version of Doom, in how he talks, what he does, and how people respond to him makes him come off as an incel's dream.

imma keep reading cause it makes me smile from how absolutely cringe this guy is
coduss chapter 4 . 6/3/2024
so like...what was the point of making the antitoxin stuff specifically to work on the joker and then not use it?
mst3ktoo chapter 3 . 5/24/2024
excuse me Bruce, preemptively take him down? this from the guy who's nemesis kills people as a way of saying hello? going to take him down preemptively? The sheer fucking hypocrisy is just gross
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