Reviews for A Song of Fire, Ice and Hearts
Bucio chapter 47 . 2/16
It was a nice surprise to find the recent update (just after an hour of it being made), which was just by chance, when reading your review of another story

In this case, with Xion, when buying supplies, finding interesting information, of the situation in Westeros; in addition to the apparent duplicity and betrayal of the one who was for a long time the benefactor/ally of Daenerys and of her deceased/brother; and who aparently has his own plans, for which, it would be detrimental if Dany returned now

While, apparently, I think this fic - this part - is set, in the first or second quarter of KH3, precisely in the first forays of Riku and Mickey to search for Aqua in the world/Realm of Darkness; although this time, instead of only waking up after a beating and losing to the Heartless, Riku ends up arriving in Essos, specifically being found by Daenerys' people (which leaves us wondering what happened to Mickey)

In addition to the reunion between Riku and Xion, which leads Sora's best friend to recover memories that were repressed (by DiZ/Ansem?); leads him to drop a bomb on Xion's best friend, letting her know that her brother Rhaegar's wife and children are still alive, which fills her with joy; between that and Xion's ability to control Nobodies, it makes them have to reveal the existence of other worlds (and this way, Daenerys, Ned and Sansa all know that Elia and her children - and Ashara - survived)

Besides the detail of seeing Riku get along quite well with Dany (almost in the same way as Axel/Lea - his survival being something that surprised Xion, enough to shake Riku up to demand more information - and Margeary Tyrell?), Riku being the one who teaches her magic and helps her improve her fighting style; besides teasing and joking at her expense (can't help but ship here, Riku x Dany?, and Axel/Lea and Margeary)

After some Wiki diving, I kind of get an idea of what's next for Dany and her group, being curious how different things will be (Tv series or books?), both by the presence of two Keyblade users with her, a wielder and a master (plus her new abilities to use a sword, which she's being trained in, and apparently being able to use the same kind of magic as Xion and Riku); also noticing - I don't remember from previous chapters - that of Dany's dragons, only Drogon is the same, and with Viserion and Rhaegal, being switched here for Rhaenyras (being a female) and Roxaryon (not so hard to imagine that Xion possibly named him); plus the possible Keyblade wielder that Illyrio hopes Xion convinces to step aside; while Riku expects it to be Aqua, it's actually Roxas who is on a forced road trip with Tyene

That and the sword that's mentioned in the conversation Xion overheard, would it be some special steel sword from GoT (Valyrian) or some Keyblade? (either original or an imitation, the latter I think possible, given that Melissandre claims to have one or to be able to create it), maybe Riku being the one to claim it (Braveheart?), or Tyene, given that Roxas gave/lent her one; that would also give the possibility for Dany to get one? (that and the chance of Jon Snow, given a certain dream he had, also being destined to carry one)

Also curious if eventually, having his Gummiphone with him (or that he remembers it), Riku could receive a call from King Mickey trying to locate him, or Riku himself calling Disney Castle, either to let him know that he's okay or to let Dany meet her lost family, her sister-in-law and nephews; apart from the fact that I imagine Dany's surprise, if Elia or her children had no intention of returning to Westeros/Planetos, of them claiming their right to the throne (at least Elia, after reuniting with Ned, would consider the possibility of letting her family know that she is well), although I think Dany would care more about reuniting with her lost family.

Apart from that, it puts into question the identity of "Griff", given that the real Aegon lives with his mother and sister in Disney Castle

This is getting good, in addition to taking a break, for a while from all the drama in Westeros, plus the adventures in another world of the Starks, and after this, waiting to see what new world our protagonist and Tyene arrive to

Good luck and keep it up
GREAT CELESTIAL-DRAGON chapter 47 . 2/16
liked the expansion of other characters getting more involved, and now Riku has joined the group but reunited with Xion, liked the interactions with Dany and seems he's now has a little dragon of his own. I can imagine showing off to Sora having a dragon lol

wonder if he'll be mistaken for a Valyrian for his silver hair? and now she's happy to find out her niece and nephew are alive! And one of them wants to explore other worlds lol
maybe venous might take him around when he returns.

I took a look at the young griff and another potential plot taken out of the tv series, obviously this guy will be a problem and over his head to think the keybladers will willingly side with him and claiming he's the prince? oh boy, this will make things awkward as if I read the earlier chapters, Aegon would be much younger and be hard to convince others. but no doubt the mother will know. Let's hope he doesn't make any bold moves like trying to take the princess for his as she's spoken for. While also Dany would not be some weak willed girl many believe.

And now the arrival of the earth arc!

yeah, life can be brutal but also annoyed by these con-artists who say how much they 'love' our fanfics and want to 'illustrate them' into comics which is a big FAT load of CRAP!
jeremiahkelley93 chapter 47 . 2/16
Great chapter.
Vanessa Masters chapter 47 . 2/16

Oh, Xion finds out some groundbreaking details to tell Dany, this griff...

But Riku shows up and gives even more major info about Dany living relative.

I love it.

Crazzytony chapter 47 . 2/16
Great chapter I'm excited to see what comes next. Keep up the great work and hope you are doing well!
Perseus12 chapter 47 . 2/16
Great chapter as always! *Thumbs UP!* Now Riku is become part of Daenerys' troupe and the shocking part that Illyrio conspires with the Golden Company now that's a mystery. The conflict on Westeros still lingers. I'll wait to read the next chapter.
keybladelight chapter 47 . 2/15
Well this was a twist Riku appear in Planetos was a suprise but well happy that Xion and Riku are reunited now all that left is Roxas and Xion and Axel meet together at the keyblade graveyard in the second keyblade war.

For having Illyros the chessemonger now have this Griff character which mean he his a blackfyre descendant of the branch of house Targaryen. Happy that Riku revealed to Dany about she still as family alive outside of her homeworld but also now more people know about world order hope some will keep their mouths shut for not revealing world order.

So Dany as a new sword happy that she beginning her own magic training with Riku a true keyblade master but also can wait to see him get his new keyblade Braveheart.

A ghost city they found I wonder if it'd it's was mentioned in the GoT lore animated or in the books or the place that Dany and hee group and Xion and Riku are is from a final fantasy place.

Well happy to see the Dothraki and Dany and hee group saw Riku use the power of darkness hope more people in Essos especially the woman's will see how handsome Riku his and also with his mastery to the power of darkness Riku gain his own famous title like Roxas and Ventus.

Now that I see each person have a duo keyblade wielders boy and girl Roxas and Tyene, Kairi and Axel and finally Riku and Xion is like you make two party groups keyblade wielders and since Riku is a keyblade master he can now have Xion as his pupil to teach her to be a proper keyblade wielder.

Xaro Xhoan Daxos and the creepy bald guy and mysterious mask woman have now appear well can wait for Riku see their plot plans will he deceived since Riku is an expert to see greedy and evil people since he work with a group of villains in the past.

Can wait to see what's happening to the others and also if Roxas and Tyene will have another love sex hope turn to baby making sex so that my wish Tyene be pregnant can he happen before they go back to Planetos in Dorne.
Shobu556 chapter 47 . 2/15
Been a while I think since I left a review here...been a while since I saw this in my inbox with an update but such is the woe of technology.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong but I am not jebest when it comes to predictions. I sense some chaos coming, call it a hunch, because with so many players on the board and things pushing along so well...what is there but chaos to throw at them soon?

But have you gents gotten a message from these bots claiming to want to collab with you on a story...but the story isn't even one of yours but someone else's? No seriously, bot reviews are getting out of hand.
free man writer chapter 47 . 2/15
There we go, another chapter done and waving my arms rapidly, hoping this gets through to notifications properly
Mariegrey90 chapter 46 . 2/10
Hi! I wanted to let you know how much I admire your writing. Your story truly stood out to me, and I couldn’t help but imagine how incredible it would be as a comic.

I’m a commission-based digital artist with experience working on comics in collaboration with authors. If you’re open to the idea, I’d love to explore the possibility of working together to bring your story to life in a visual format.

Feel free to contact me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( mariegrey90) if this interests you. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Naedine-Daki chapter 46 . 1/16
Your story truly captivated me, and I couldn’t help but imagine it as a comic. I’m a digital artist specializing in comic collaborations, and I think your work would translate beautifully into this medium. If you’re open to exploring this idea, feel free to connect with me on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123.
Mando-Vet chapter 31 . 1/1
Oh man, that was out-frigging-standing!
Mando-Vet chapter 30 . 1/1
Oh shit...
Wal Otter chapter 46 . 12/30/2024
This has so many great scenes, and I love how the world is changing in this story.
I love how Theon has grown a backbone, I love how Myrcella is emulating her mother but is also keeping it true to herself. And I have to admit, Gendry talking with Alucard as if they are being a studend and a guidence councelor feels refreshing, considering how many potential career options he is having.
Considering how familiar Axel is being with Renly, makes me wonder if Loras hapens to be jeolous at all.
This kinda makes me want to ship Margaery and Axel XD

keep up the good work
Mando-Vet chapter 25 . 12/30/2024
I loved this chapter, especially seeing Oberyn making some excellent points and putting Catelyn in her place.
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