Reviews for Taylor is DOOMed
Robbler chapter 1 . 11/23
That the Story ends before she can slaughter the 3 bitches of hell is utterly heartbreaking...
RevDorothyL chapter 24 . 11/23
I'm slightly worried at how very much I love this version of Taylor and the gleefully lethal hobby she apparently shares with Danny! :)
Mr.Black64 chapter 7 . 9/13
Oh God. Been enjoying your stories but hopefully Taylor kills Sophie, Emma and Maddie. I had stopped reading worm for years and have come back to it because I pretty much read everything else I was into but one thing I hated in this Fandom was when Taylor SHOULD kill them and never did.

When the authors turned Taylor into a cold blooded killer in one way or another but for some magical reason the people that caused her the most pain barely got slapped on the wrist.
Diablo Largato chapter 23 . 8/23
I would love more from this story, havent laughed as hard as I have reading this in a long time. Always good to read something that puts a smile on my face
SixFtWookie chapter 15 . 8/5
I believe this is the only known instance of a Wilhelm scream being used in text. Love it. Hilarious.
Jared Reese chapter 24 . 7/16
Really liked Taylor as the next Doom Marine. Great job.
Diablo Largato chapter 24 . 7/5
Moar moar moar! I actually got hooked on a story, and the omakes are funny as all can be. Have her appear in random worlds and such and just have fun there. Wow i would dearly hope you continue this soon.
Spectre of Chaos chapter 1 . 6/9
More please
Spyash2 chapter 24 . 5/10
God damn it, I binge-watched this story from the start to its current state, and you LEFT ME WANTING MORE!

I want to know MOAR DAMMIT!
obliviated fan chapter 13 . 4/10
Have you heard of DOOM Infinite? It's a mod that uses the Doom2 wad as the base for a roguelike shooter. It's fun, although I'm still learning the basics.
obliviated fan chapter 12 . 4/10
Had a thought, is Erwin your Author Expy?
NguNhan chapter 24 . 3/31
This is good very good, more please
zmanjz chapter 24 . 2/29
finally got around to playing doom 2016. Now i hear the demons speak in the "doom slayer lore" voice.

also the scene from sunnydale when a demon says the word "Gratitude" to xander is all the more hilarious.
MasterEnvi chapter 24 . 2/26
Really enjoyed reading this, a shame it never got finished. If you ever come back I'll be here to read it.
TranoMoon chapter 5 . 1/13
Ya know, I've gotten the thought that the voices in the previous chapter could easily be Queen and co, as it could be Contessa and co. I lean towards Contessa, but who knows.
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