Reviews for Highschool DxD:A Minor Tale
aabhijithvc123 chapter 1 . 12/25/2024
was there doctors and nurses 400 years back ?
Archangel Change24 chapter 9 . 12/10/2024
Okay so i have been reading this for a bit and honestly i am kinda bothered by something. Pierce was methodical wnd logical and worked hard. But the second he learned he was in DxD he completely lost all logic.
ajstew080901 chapter 23 . 10/31/2024
Lol late comment I'm just reading this now saw your comment about someone complaining about you giving pierce chi being too much, how tho like I've literally never read another fanfiction where the mc start out with less I mean acessible by any being in any universe that use the concept of lifeforce energies, so it's really not that big of boon. tbh if anything I'm litlle disappointed on how little you gave him I mean most holy swords outside of the high tier ones like durandal and excalibur don't do much or you could of given him a low tier sacred gear like sword birth or blade blacksmith and that'd still be under his own power as it be for him to master it and his imagination for the effects, instead you have using a regular sword which is honestly unrealistic on it's own as an average sword usually only last 20 yrs or so at most thats in real life with humans with non enhanced strength or durability, the way pierce using it, it would broken after the tyrant and the basilisk
MaxTrueOmnipotent1 chapter 17 . 9/26/2024
Booob wheres the lemon
Evan chapter 40 . 8/25/2024
Dude update this soon like this
CMdkelley chapter 6 . 6/28/2024
You really didn't look all that much into how people lived 400 years ago did you?
KaungMyatKya10 chapter 40 . 3/24/2024
i just wish that new chapter will release
Darkest.www chapter 40 . 3/3/2024
This keeps getting better
sargentshenanigans chapter 40 . 2/20/2024
man what can i say but this is great
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 40 . 12/5/2023
The zeth arc is forever
noble6117 chapter 40 . 11/10/2023
Hopefully you are well my guy, your story has been a wonderful read and I utmost enjoyed it, hopefully you are well and come back soon for a chapter update
VamPyr00 chapter 2 . 11/1/2023
God I hate it when the MC feels guilty about shit completely out of their control, like they willingly killed the previous owner of the body or something. For all he knows, he IS the original owner of that body and merely regained his past life's memories! Immediately jumping to the conclusion that he 'killed' the original owner of the body is absolutely absurd. It's like Authors just enjoy guilt tripping their MCs for the added drama.
Guest chapter 40 . 9/26/2023
I just reread this recently and I hope that A/N is new! Looking forward to whatever comes next
Makluan overlord chapter 24 . 9/11/2023
fuck I was enjoying this without a harem
Cade2065 chapter 2 . 9/1/2023
I find it weird how most reincarnation fanfics have the MC remembering their past life as soon as they are born. It's a newly developed brain, and they would be experiencing high overstimulation from all the new senses that the brain is processing. They would not have the mental capacity to think in that sense, and even then, the memories should come in patches over a periodic time frame.
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