Reviews for No Ordinary Exchange
Sanzojoe chapter 7 . 4/10/2023
I like how Rayla and Claudia are trying to pair Callum up with the other.
Sanzojoe chapter 1 . 4/8/2023
I’m a sucker for au college stories. I think I will enjoy this one.
steven.malapitan.1228 chapter 41 . 11/4/2021
Insta-Fave, its kinda sad that theres no sequel sadge but great fanfic i love it.
Guest chapter 41 . 2/22/2021
Compromise concept... Assuming that you want these two to "make it," would you consider a short reunion story? The national championship team could have a reunion at KSU, Or the exchange program... If you are sure you won't write Callum's year. Because Callum's story would be the best next step.
AcronymKing chapter 41 . 2/21/2021
I feel both cheated and impressed by the brevity of your epilogue. Definitely respect your wisdom, but deprived of half of Rayla's year, and no sequel on the horizon. That's hard cruel!

You did a great job creating Rayla. By the end of the story I felt she was someone I actually knew, even though her voice always seemed to sound more Midwest than brogue in my head. Callum was painful at times, but mostly because I had many of his hangups and fewer of his talents at that age, lol.

I'm a sucker for romance and your writing made me smile... a lot. Thanks, and best of everything to you. Be well, keep writing, do good works.
AcronymKing chapter 40 . 2/21/2021
Tell us you've already blocked out the next year... Please?

I take back every disparaging thing I have ever said about fan fiction. This has been my first experience, inspired by being dragged to TDP and now waiting impatiently for season 4; I now understand my previous opinions were from a position of ignorance. Thanks.
Semicolon intentional, lol
AcronymKing chapter 24 . 2/20/2021
You write these characters too cute. I'm a pathetic sucker for romance anyway... This story is something of a discovery for me, and it's a great escape. Thanks!
Guest chapter 19 . 2/18/2021
Whenever I think you overplay Callum's cluelessness or emotional reactions I am hit by the realization that that was me at that age, so... Well done? Otherwise, watch the I / me thing and good luck school. Keep your eyes and ears open for writing contests. I know a girl who won $1k for a short story in college.
AcronymKing chapter 13 . 2/18/2021
This is starting to read like my diary. I shall be much aggrieved if Calum suffers the same outcome that I did!
Guest chapter 41 . 2/12/2021
This was such a great story, thank you so much
zayatlafan chapter 41 . 2/8/2021
i dont even know where to start with the compliments for this. your characters, so diverse and so well written, honestly taught me many things that i didn’t understand. your language made me feel like i was so smart while reading lol. the football scenes, i’m a huge football person, i think you are as well with how well written the moments are. i actually was getting anxious myself reading about the championship. (also, i wondered who rayla and soren are like on the field, just watching the NCAA chip, i think mac jones and devonta smith connection is a great comparison)the she-ra mentions, atla mentions, so many things that i all love. even the theater, i’m not a theater kid myself but my sister loves it so i can relate in that way. this fic was great, in my top 3 easily, honestly after the championship i might have to move it to #1. it does make me a little sad we won’t see callum and rayla in xadia any time soon, but this was a long long story so i don’t blame you. i will definitely be reading more of your fics, keep up the great work!
Foreverafangirl101 chapter 41 . 2/7/2021
Ahhh! I can't believe this is finally over! This has been such a great story, and I'm really glad that I've been reading since chapter 9! absolutely epic ending, and can't wait to see more of your works. Absolutely love all your added on OCs, and the way that you wrote all of the OG characters. au revoir. XD
dinochickrox chapter 41 . 2/6/2021
What a ride! Such a great fic!
MythaWolf chapter 41 . 2/6/2021
A true masterpiece! Updates will be missed.
Lukas Turner chapter 41 . 2/6/2021
Me reading the last line:
"She said it! She said the thing!"

Seriously though, this was one of the most fun fanfics I've ever read! I do hope we get a sequel sometime :)
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