Reviews for His Body is Made of Swords
XXX777 chapter 8 . 5/19/2022
Smart move Shirō.
XXX777 chapter 7 . 5/19/2022
Poor Shirō. That's E-Ranked Luck for you.
XXX777 chapter 6 . 5/19/2022
Another victory for Shirō's cooking skills.
XXX777 chapter 5 . 5/19/2022
At least Kiri is in the loop now. Poor Shirō his status as a Sword Incarnation makes wielding guns very difficult.
XXX777 chapter 4 . 5/19/2022
I really hate Zouken.
XXX777 chapter 2 . 5/19/2022
Shirō has no idea what he's doing does he? Congrats on getting Jalter.
XXX777 chapter 1 . 5/19/2022
I know how you feel about Jalter. It took me 2 years to get her. 2. Years. I feel your pain
Father A. Anderson chapter 20 . 5/4/2022
I love your story. It’s nice to see Lorelei being used in fate story’s, so thx for that.
InfamouslyHandsome chapter 20 . 5/1/2022
Awesome chapter! Love to see Luvia appear, though I'm curious to know what she's doing in Japan. Can't wait to see her interactions with Rin and the rest of the cast.

I really enjoy Lorelei and Shirou's bond. She strikes me like a strict and serious tsundere who very rarely and unorthodoxily shows here dere side. It speaks volumes of her trust towards him that she wants to recruit Shirou before attempting to kill the Dead Apostle, and how she's willing to even wait for him to come back.

Lastly, I just have to disagree with a lot of the reviews complaining about this being more Shirou's than Archer's personality and say how much of an oxymoron that is. Despite how much Archer says and has said to the contrary, he is Shirou. It's like your 40 old self looking back at your 10 year old self and saying that's not you. Both are essentially the same person, only that Archer has all his loved ones back and has decided to never throw them away to chase after what he believes are now stupid ideals.

With all that said, I can't wait for the next update and wish you a pleasant day.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/29/2022
I used to like this story very much but now I’m lost, I don’t know what’s the intrigue anymore is like I’m reading another routine to chuckle on Lorelei’s fixation on Emiya.

Luvia is here I’m glad for more character but again Lorelei has the fullness, another one of the overpowering from her, if Lorelei misses her mark, Emiya will be right there for her.
Probably is just me. I don’t know if this story will get to Grail war if it does is probably run by Lorelei and Emiya again.
T-B-R chapter 20 . 4/27/2022
Scandalf chapter 5 . 4/27/2022
Okay, I'm pretty sure you completely forgot about the fact that your protagonist isn't Shirou, it is Emiya/Archer. Like, he could not have acted less like himself and more like Shirou if he was actually Shirou in the first place.
I am gonna have to stop reading here as I could only take so much of this... weird bs, but I wish you luck with the rest of the story. I doubt this gets any better, at all, if even the first few chapters are this bad but hey, I haven't read any more so who knows.
Also,the number of times you and Archer contradict yourselves is geniunely funny. Like, one time I had to stop and giggle a little bit because Archer said something that was the complete opposite of how he actually acted like 2 pharagraphs ago. And the fact that he was praising himself in that sentence, saying he wouldn't do the thing he literally just DID do, just made it even funnier.
RiseElucidator chapter 20 . 4/26/2022
Man... Emiya just can't catch a break around here huh. That E rank Luck is doing some work
MashiroNguyen chapter 20 . 4/25/2022
Raiga bonding with Luvia over sumo is the most appropriate thing I've ever seen.
ThyDevoutBeliever chapter 20 . 4/25/2022
This was a very entertaining chapter despite not much happening. Shirou deserves an Oscar slap by Luvia for his acting lmao
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