Reviews for His Body is Made of Swords
kgtab chapter 21 . 3/7/2023
I don't understand why Shirou won't just improve his stats by copying those of weapons owners (I mean in fight with ortenrose)? The only reason Archer didn't do so in vn is that he held back through entirety of the 5th HGW, except maybe when he fought berserker (even than he still didn't use ubw and NLBW because Heracles would've countered it). This should've improved his chances massively imo.

Also Caladbolg draining him of mana is kinda strange since even UBW Shirou could do much more. Yes he had a contract with Rin, but I don't see a reason as to why this Shirou won't have the same one with Iliya or Sakura, since it is a very important thing for keeping them alive

Everything else about the story is amazing tho. Really enjoy your fic's in general. I'm not trying to come off as negative so sorry if I did so
ArcherFF chapter 22 . 3/7/2023
I have to say it, I love this story, although there are things that I personally say "I like it, but I didn't imagine it that way", like certain things in EMIYA's personality, but those are just my ideas. I'm also interested when it comes to romance, I don't know if I'm blind like a typical anime protagonist, but I haven't seen any indications of that, but well, partly I guess because we haven't left the 7-year-old Shirou behind for a while, I mean, EMIYA It's EMIYA, he's not going to give a whole monologue about his romantic feelings towards one or more of the girls (at least for now, I don't know what's going to happen). I mean, even Sakura that in the VN her interest in Shirou is quite clear, here she does not express it (as I saw it clearly), I don't know if the change in her way of being is because she did not go through so much misfortune, or because she was Since he was so young, his feelings are more like brother and sister, damn, I don't even know if EMIYA managed to unlock the much-desired Harem route, anyway, I hope the next chapter doesn't take much longer.

Sorry if something is not understood, I use the translator
Darkanaklusmos70 chapter 22 . 2/21/2023
Jajur von Hohenzollern chapter 22 . 2/13/2023
why is it that anytime lorelei gets more of a Spot Light (due to being seemingly in the pairingthat she becomes Kind of adorable to me...
JustAFool chapter 1 . 2/2/2023
Haha your AN at the beginning of the chapter. It brings back memories of when Jalter first had her banner in NA. I spent something like $200 dollars on trying to summon her in some rage fueled gambling fit only to not get her. I got her the next time and now some years later I barely use her.

Eventually I hit a cap on what I'm willingly to spend on a game that will become unplayable at some point. If I spend any money now I'll probably just buy a figurine of the fairy characters coming up this year, but I learned some fun lessons about gambling from it all.

At least now you are guaranteed pity summon with the amount you blew on Jalter at the time.
Guest chapter 22 . 1/13/2023
It’s been long I thinking will this story ever get to fifth war? I am still hoping to see Tomato Rin summons a teddy warrior Chulainn to get her the damn cup guess it isn’t happening anymore
Gear master chapter 17 . 11/24/2022
I can hear archer just dying inside
InsaneSmirkingRevenge chapter 21 . 11/5/2022
why did emiya think they had time lol she emphasized that time was running out like twice
InsaneSmirkingRevenge chapter 14 . 11/5/2022
also wondering how no one is realizing that he's tracing NPs
InsaneSmirkingRevenge chapter 14 . 11/5/2022
emiya really just has a habit of making stupid mistakes. That and his lack of plans or strategy seems kinda crazy for someone who should be familiar with this kind of conflict
Wolf Strife chapter 16 . 10/23/2022
Lorelei and Shirou are arranged to be married, aren’t they? That’s the deal that The current Vice Director made with Kiritsugu in order for Shirou, Illya, and Sakura to be looked after by him.
ARIGATIGHTS chapter 15 . 10/20/2022
Well, it’s been a pleasurable read for me… and this is coming from someone with little to no knowledge on the "Fate" Series; I should definitely rectify that little issue of mine, as soon as possible…
Guest chapter 22 . 10/18/2022
To HiRoHiDuE:

You do know that in nasuverse the longer you live the more complicated and powerful the mystery becomes right? Ortenrosse is several millenia's old with the clocktower, the church and other apostles trying to kill him yet still survive. Yes, he's several millenia's old. Zelretch who was not consider in the older apostle Ancestor rank was stated to be a student of Solomon himself. That was 3 thousand years ago. Now imagine Ortenrosse the oldest of the 27. Imagine his power and how it evolves in the time he's been on the world.

Now EMIYA for all his millenia's worth of experience, is now back in a human body. He's bounded by the current textures of the world. Which Ortenrosse isn't cause their (Apostle Ancestors) very presence alters/ weakens the texture of the world.

Sorry I'm just annoyed. Next time you're gonna say some nonsense like Gaia rejects magecraft cause shortcuts or something. Which no, the world is okay with magecraft. The Age of gods is great example of that. The current texture of the world: the Age of man. Is the one denying it, cause the law of the world in current times is about the development of science, the opposite of mystery.



Dead Apostle ancestors: wiki/The_Twenty-seven_Dead_Apostle_Ancestors
fahri.uchiha chapter 3 . 10/17/2022
Shirou, face to face with the final boss lol
fahri.uchiha chapter 1 . 10/17/2022
Haha, Nice prologue
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