Reviews for His Body is Made of Swords
fahri.uchiha chapter 2 . 10/17/2022
Meet well Sakura
Soda-fiedPsycho chapter 21 . 10/15/2022
a former CG being so weakened a non top 7 Ancestor being a threat is ridiculous
HiRoHiDuE chapter 22 . 10/15/2022
Him always messing up, always panicking to be honest he just seems pathetic
Anon chapter 22 . 10/14/2022
I knew it, it was a marriage/adoption contract you teased in an earlier chapylter, wasn't it?
Freedmoon chapter 22 . 10/14/2022
Reminder that Shirou Grey Avalon partly on, Avalon partly on means Shirou can take deadly attacks and shrug em off in seconds.
Shirou Grey Grey influenced by Avalon which contains the Spirit of Arturia through the throne which obviously means she will suffer at first but then probably be stronger in the end if she survives
Avalon on Shriou and Grey he can just use Caliburn and be done with things the blood of the One true king The Sheath of the one true king the copy of the Sword of Selection Connected fate between Shirou and her, the Sword is definitly not out of Noble Phantasm use especially since hes got the start of his UBW already on and a second part of the Aria to trace it a bit quicker.
Funniest thing would be if the second sister of the Aozaki were to come visit at this most innapropriate time lol because ofc the one manipulating time would do such a thing
Fate-RWBY ODST chapter 12 . 10/14/2022
For this chapter, chapter 12, I would like to point out that Kiritsugu would be using the Calico M960, not the Calico 950 if we are talking a Calico weapon system that fires full auto like is depicted in Fate/Zero, unless he is using his magecraft, accel. However, the notes on it does say Calico M950, which is the civilian version of the Calico M960 (which is for military and law enforcement, being able to go full auto), however I think Kiritsugu either got it to an armourer or gunsmith that either fitted the insides of the Calico M960 into the M950 model, or they machined an auto sear into it to allow for fully automatic fire,, or machined that himself, however, given he does more maintenance than repair for his guns unless it is just replacing a part than forging a new one, Kiritsugu is probably more bound to do mainly maintenance and replacements than forging things himself, even more so when the tooling and machinery for such things requires a workshop or enough space to work in, Kiritsugu won’t be doing that either given he is usually on the move often. Moving on, if the parts in the M960 and the M950 are about the same size and the weapon platforms themselves are relatively the same size, then they can be cross fitted into each other so Kiritsugu probably has a hybridized gun or as I stated earlier, machined to have an auto sear. To add, Kiritsugu has other weapon systems he could use like an actual pistol for semiautomatic fire with small arms like the Beretta 92 he showed Shirou in an earlier chapter, if it were a more combat oriented enemy, he would be using his fully automatic Calico M950, moving on, given the similarities, he probably just bought the the other version of the Calico M950 than hgoing through the troubles I said earlier so the Calico M950 that Kiritsugu uses is probably the Calico M950A…
Freedmoon chapter 12 . 10/13/2022
Hahaha reading this fic again i cant help but laugh at Archer/Shirou who since he is no longer a true heroic Spirit but a Heroic spirit in the body of a living human child overestimate his capacity, which is understandable since for the past unspecified but very much thousands of years at least years he was a spirit and thus got used to fight as one.
Bachi the cat chapter 3 . 10/13/2022
i think i read this before? but when i reinstall fanfiction, some stories don't pass over.
plus if this is going where i think it's going then i did and i need to reread it anyway.
Wolf Strife chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
Another brilliant chapter
grant.walker581 chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
BasicWhiteDude chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
Ayy update! Nice chapter
Dasgun chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
javi30 chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
Very good chapter keep writing blessings to you and your loved ones
HorribleT-TWriter chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
The confidence on that vamp creeps me out and its because he knows more than he lets on and he knows it. Yikes.
vinayakdj1 chapter 22 . 10/12/2022
Stupid story...stupid u...who gives 2 shits about a dead apostle...none of the gods did...goetia didn't...the alien god didn't...Velbar didn't...why should the guy who has existed longer than this whole misbegotten vampiric race?
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