Reviews for A Matter of Law
Abstract01 chapter 15 . 1/6
This is the first fanfiction story I've read in which Prof. McGonagle uses two canon examples of characters who were abused in childhood, when arguing against Dumbledore having left Harry with relatives who were "the worst sort of muggles".
My compliments to the author for bringing this logic to light!

Your prose is easy to read, and even when dealing with emotional issues the reader is left with a light-hearted sense of story (rather than a negative perspective).
Ginny-Potter1981 chapter 24 . 11/24/2024
Please update the story soon.
Black Lion of Gryffindor chapter 24 . 11/21/2024
GBTtown chapter 24 . 11/18/2024
Good story. Lord Black to the rescue has appeared in other stories but I like the way you are handling the plot. Albus in jail is hilarious! I have always had mixed feelings about Mrs. Figg. She tries, somewhat, to help Harry but not enough to really make a difference.
qbyrd1019 chapter 6 . 11/14/2024
It's godson not grandson
mumphie chapter 24 . 10/28/2024
It's been a little over a year since you last posted. I've been enjoying the world and story you have been weaving. I do so hope that you will be able to come back to it! It isn't often that I find a story that flows and is written so well. Your characters really have come to life for me. Please consider coming back. I want to know how Harry comes into himself and grows and how he interacts with others from Hogwarts. I want to see what you have in store for Albus, and if Severus and Sirius becomes better men.
matthew.parsons2003 chapter 24 . 10/20/2024
Update please
Jimbocous chapter 24 . 10/1/2024
Thanks for a really great read so far. Would love to see more of this. Sure hope you find your way back to it at some point.
plums chapter 11 . 9/9/2024
Please dear god don’t let the child mentioned be Hermione.
Leslie chapter 24 . 8/27/2024
I want to say, ‘Poor Arabella.’ But unless she has proof that she made many attempts to help Harry…nope.

Love the story.
Kallanit chapter 14 . 8/23/2024
I hope that Arcturus (and Sirius, when he's exonerated) will continue to encourage the friendship between Harry and Hermione. I also hope that Arcturus will suggest Hermione have a lineage test at Gringotts. No need to make her a descendant of one of the Founders or anything grandiose like that, but having a magical heritage (Dagworth-Granger, perhaps?) will certainly make her life easier going forward.
Sarek5959 chapter 24 . 7/30/2024
Awesome chapter... Looking forward to your next one!
Carolyn chapter 24 . 7/27/2024
I really like this story, but it’s been just over a year since you updated. Have you decided not to continue it?
J chapter 23 . 7/7/2024
Nah m8, that wasn't the only reason they picked on Snape. He was a junior Death Eater and a bully himself. Look at what Lily says Snape was involved in when she breaks their friendship. She says he and 2 of his friends cornered a girl and used 'dark magic' on her - and Snape calls it a laugh! He was WORSE than the Marauders.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/2/2024
I would love to see this continued, but it has been over a year...
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