Reviews for Rising of the Cute Shield
LOTUSCATTTTS chapter 2 . 4h
I just started reading fanfics, but this one caught my eye the most! I love the humor and action, and I hope this will continue on!
Kaykaykaykayan chapter 5 . 9/15
Really? god this situation sucks
Sargent Angle chapter 2 . 9/3
Someone tell this girl that she shouldn't wat raw meat, please?
looniest of toonies chapter 6 . 8/13
Omnomphone chapter 22 . 7/16
Really want to see maple’s reaction, and what happens with Itsuki.
Kittysuny chapter 22 . 7/2
i love this story! keep it up!
dylandavisusa chapter 22 . 7/1
When are you going to update the story it’s really good and I want to see more of it
Doccer chapter 1 . 6/6
Ashen Author chapter 22 . 5/16
Ouch! Looks like Itsuki mistook Syrup for the Wave Boss as a consequence of never going back to the capital to meet Maple and Syrup. She's going to be MAD and the in-fighting is going to be vicious here.
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 12 . 2/1
I always liked Erhard, I like that he's getting more attention in this fanfic. Also, great fic.
Isamaru chapter 22 . 12/24/2023
ooh, thats evil! hope to see this updated one day. keep up the amazing work!
magitechxinc chapter 22 . 12/20/2023
this whole chapter is so cool. i love the building tension, the implication that the Bow Hero is attacking Syrup because he never found out that maple is a weirdo with weird friends. how supportive alexandros is.
magitechxinc chapter 21 . 12/20/2023
i love that she parties with the army here. it's so cool.
magitechxinc chapter 20 . 12/20/2023
i love what you've done with the king. i never thought id be able to like him ever, but this story always changes my mind.
magitechxinc chapter 19 . 12/20/2023
they're so cute!
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