Reviews for Twins
Tork01 chapter 1 . 12/7/2021
Great story. It's like two Wednesday Addams(es), except trying to be sociable. Kinda failing at it, but still trying, only for Harry to find it very endearing! Ron actually apologized, which must be a sign of the oncoming apocalypse. If you want to add extra chapters, that would be very cool.
Difdi chapter 1 . 12/2/2021
I never realized I needed adorkably deadly Carrow twins. More please?
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 1 . 11/30/2021
Awesome one-shot and could be such a wonderful story. Those twins are really scary but awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2021
Man I wish this was multi-chapter. It's unique and I love how you made the otherwise unknown Carrows have actual personality.
keht.jelicho chapter 1 . 11/27/2021
I really like this portrayal (for lack of a better descriptor "creepy cuteof the Carrow twins. Harry's relationship with them is frankly adorable and jealousy-inducing.
I want more on these twins. Not necessarily in a continuation or sequel to this story. Moreso in the sense that I'd want this portrayal of the twins to be adopted into the general Fanon and the twins, as portrayed here, are brought into other stories. For example, what if these twins and the Weasley twins had ended up together somehow. Or these twins found Luna and claimed her/were claimed by her. Or a case of these twins joining the DA in book 5 and meeting Harry there (and how would their being part of the group to go to the Ministry have changed things, or would their involvement in the DA prevent the ministry group from being ambushed at the least or possibly not even going, plus how they would handle Umbridge). Or heck, throw a real twist in things: Slytherin house doesn't really like the twins, the twins actually have linked magic (such that what binds one binds the other/they're, magically speaking, in everything together), and they get their names both submitted and Chosen in the triwizard (whether for hogwarts or yet another school, or possibly instead of Harry even) whether they were entered together (one paper with "Hestia and Flora Carrow", or a single paper with both their names separately) or separately (different papers for each in the hope one or the other would get picked/die in the tournament) but the Goblet chose them both (perhaps if two papers they come out tied together?). Or these versions of the two meeting Harry/joining his compartment before Ron finds him (and now I am imagining the troll scene/rescuing
ManticoreBlues chapter 1 . 11/14/2021
huh, this is oddly yet highly endearing
Guest chapter 1 . 10/30/2021
Awesome story. Thank you.
keht.jelicho chapter 1 . 10/28/2021
I kinda want more
Fuck Names chapter 1 . 10/15/2021
A rather abrupt ending but I loved it all the same. Thank you for writing this. It's a shame there isn't more but it iz what it iz.
HOLLOWTGH chapter 1 . 9/30/2021
Shame this is a one shot, would love to see more of this.
hypnoticageregression chapter 1 . 9/29/2021
Very cute and funny. Would love more!
MuggleMeatloaf chapter 1 . 9/27/2021
This is so weird but sooooo cute, I ship it!
Brockster550 chapter 1 . 9/22/2021
Great one-shot! Harry paired with the Carrow Twins is very rare. A day in Hogsmeade and taking a walk was a nice touch. Keep up the hard work!
major wallace chapter 1 . 9/9/2021
Awesome work
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2021
Can't believe I missed this story. I'd imagine soon after this people would be a bit terrified of Harry, even moreso than before with them not wanting to anger the twins. Now it's quite a bit more solidified.
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