Reviews for Song of A Northern Sorcerer
Lukoshi chapter 7 . 2h
Gods I hate Catelyn Stark. She basically hamstrung her daughters by restricting their teaching to how the south does things when they don't come from there and they must be strong to live in the north. Not to mention she is insufferable and her opinions and beliefs are honestly difficult to read. Kill her off!
Lukoshi chapter 4 . 4h
Casual badassery is the best kind of badassery
Lukoshi chapter 3 . 4h
I'm not going to lie, I was skeptical when I first stumbled upon this story. It seemed too odd a crossover to be entertaining, however I was almost immediately proven wrong and have not been able to stop reading since I started. Excellent writing, compelling plot and a truly interesting blending of two seemingly opposite stories. Well done author, well done indeed. Looking forward to seeing where this goes! Cheers :)
ImbaMLG chapter 44 . 13h
Guest chapter 44 . 9/18
How hard is it to get a character's name right? It is spelled JAIME, not Jamie. And you need to put spacing in all your words that are either in bold or italics. Seriously, these grammar and spelling mistakes are ruining what would otherwise be a good story.
0richierich0 chapter 44 . 9/17
Your story is simply amazing. And you have outdone yourself with Tyrion in this chapter. His handling of the Septons, Cersei and Joffrey was masterful. It takes real skill to write a character as more intelligent than everyone else, but you did it. And as always, I loved your descriptions of the tactical situations from the different character's points of view. Your last several chapters have left your readers thirsting for revenge against Nox and the Stark's enemies, and I can't wait to see how it turns out! Thanks so much!
Skull Crimes chapter 44 . 9/17
its great to see a new chapter
Guest chapter 4 . 9/16
You know, I kind of get why they would be utterly fucking horrified by Nox's alliance with Ned. To them, it must look like the Pact of Ice and Fire is being fulfilled. A Stark and a Targaryen.
Guest chapter 44 . 9/16
Can't help but think with YggRite and Arianne controlling all these element things that we may seE some avatar bending tyPe of powers and attacks with sub-bending like metal, explosion, lava, blood types of bending herE. Just a thought and hope for the NexT update hopefully soon, have a good day.
Lady-Silvanas chapter 12 . 9/16
this reads like it was written by and for hormy hormon adle brain teenagers
Chezhran chapter 44 . 9/15
Loved the new chapter. You are a good writer, and this fic is among my top 5 fics to read.
gondraxider chapter 44 . 9/14
hooray! ooh you don't believe how long i look forvarded to this chapter! thank you author so much that you continue write. it was very good. I wait to a new chapter. I hope that its will be soon.
OPPRESSOR OF NIGGERS chapter 7 . 9/13
This ia shit
D.E.Sguys2.0 chapter 44 . 9/13
I have decided to finally say something, this is by far some of the greatest work of fiction/fanfiction I have ever come across

i really wish you could earn something from this bruh, its amazeballs
tanamashu chapter 44 . 9/13
I have really enjoyed your work. This a very good story you have written. Patiently waiting for the next chapter.
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