Reviews for You’re Stranger Than You Think You Are
Eishi-Ai chapter 1 . 8/26/2004
"I think this idea is very Original..I've only seen it done once, but making Kurama Hiei's real father is certainly something I've never thought about. Thank you for writing this." Sapphire Angel gave a pained sigh. "Although, you do have a few mistakes...this story was good anyway, just watch out for them if you have the time to though...just a suggestion."
ShadowBlue chapter 6 . 8/26/2004
This was a great story until I got to the part where Kurama was stated as Hiei's father. That is not physically possible, even in a fanfic. Hiei is a fire demon. Yukina is an ice maiden. I would like to know how a fox demon and an ice maiden of the Koorime can make a fire child and an ice child. As I said before, it doesn't make any sense, even in a fanfic. And you can't give me the reason that Hiei an Yukina were born of seperate fathers, because they are twins. I do not mean offense to you, or anyoe who likes this story. I only want to state my opinion that this story makes no sense.
xPockyNoMikox chapter 13 . 8/25/2004
Great ending! Though I'll admit, it's still a little weird thinking of Kurama and Hiei as father and son...

You write very well, and I liked the way you structured this story. The scene with the teargem box was incredibly well done... some of the imagery you used was amazing. And you portray the characters very well while bending their personalities to fit the story. All in all, a very nice fic. Be proud - I usually have at least one bad thing to comment on in every story I read. I can't find much wrong with yours, though. I'll definitely keep a lookout for your next fic, and hopefully it will be yyh!
xPockyNoMikox chapter 12 . 8/17/2004
Very intersting concept here. Kurama Hiei's father? I actually stopped reading it once I found that out, but something made me come back and finish it. I'm glad I did. You just have this amazing way with words... some of your phrases were really great. I loved Hiei and Kuwabara's conversation, and also the scene where Hiei told Yukina. Everyone is in character, and the plot itself is amazing. Such a complex past behind Hiei's eyes... I really admire your imagination.

Are you going to finish this story, or is it already over? If it is, the ending seemed kind of abrupt. I really hope you're going to continue it. If you do, when are you going to get back to present time? I know the flashbacks are necessary, but I think you're straying away from the actual story. I think maybe you should explain why Hiei decided to join up with Kurama again (during the Three Artifacts arc) and then revert back to the present. But that's just my opinion.

Anyway. Please continue! This story is so original... that's why I like it. I'm a big fan of KxH (as in shounen ai) but this is a truly exceptional story, even without the romance factor. Expect a few other reviews form me, if you have any other kurama or hiei fics posted.
tokakoka-chan chapter 12 . 7/18/2004
OH! That was SO good! (ChibiHiei:*cute face* YEP! _)...oh yeah he's my muse...okay moving on...It's pretty wierd but in a good way and it actually pretty much goes along with the storyline...that musta been pretty hard ta do huh? Well! Please keep on going! (ChibiHiei: Pwetty pwease wit' a cherry on top! _)
Shizuru of the Darkness Flame chapter 6 . 6/21/2004
Oh, great story so far! I'd like to read the rest of it, but It'd probably be better if I did that tomorrow, since it's really late and I'm half asleep. XP anyways... I love the plot! It's VERY original, I've never seen anything like it! Never even CONSIDERED Kurama being Hiei's father... *laughs* at first when I started reading this, I thought I wouldn't like it that much (despite the wonderful writing) because of the oddness, but you really made it work! I applaud thee! Also, you did great with the characterization... There were some pretty odd situations in there, but again, you made them work. . cookies for you.
anoyedshehighsupremeautho chapter 12 . 4/15/2004
wow suprising turn who is Maya? thanks for updating
Midnightdream51 chapter 12 . 4/13/2004
Heh, thanks for responding to my questkons, I understand now _U . This chapter was . . . .interesting. O_o Since this is an incredibly unique story, its hard to judge on what the characters would do (?). Meaning I found Hiei slightly odd but really he wasn't given thew situatuion. -_- I;m weird, I know. Otherwise the meeting was very intriguing . . ._ nopt much else to say except it was good as usual. Ooh! I want the link! Please? I've never really read YYH manga, and I'm always glad to grab extra tidbits. _ So if itas not too much trouble I would greatly appreciate if you just sent the link via email. _ Its at the top. Thanks! Keep writing!
This Account Is So Old Wow chapter 12 . 4/13/2004
[tries not to cry] I really like how this story has been written, very unique, and nice! I'll be looking for updates!
...Now, to clear out my a bit for this fic...
cocolatte chapter 11 . 4/5/2004
Wow . .*blinks* That was . .so sad. . .
Man, this story is awesome. I absolutely love it. Please write more soon.
Midnightdream51 chapter 11 . 4/5/2004
Oh . . . the Youko taking a guilt trip is he? *snickers* Sorry, I'm so mean. *cackles* Well, your AN in ch.10 was very infprmative, [erhaps a bit overdone, but then I pretty much got the relationships thing right off the bat -_-. I must admit, the peoplein Youko's gang sound . . . pathetic. Like, REALLY pathetic - where's Kuronue? -_- Oh well. I loved the description, Youko was just delectable(V_V I look at writing like food - excuse my weirdness, but I couldn't describe it any other way). Haha, Kaida has good taste doesn';t she (:P)? Heh, but I'm glad she didnt get her hands on Hiei - oh you have just reawoken my obsession over him! ((that's a good thing for, bad thing for me)) I did find it rather strange the Youko regretted the loss of Zan - I can understand the toying with Hiei and the telling him to get stronger, but the glance right before he left was . . .would we say OOC? CAN we say OOC? Honestly Youko doesnt get that much of a part, but it seemsed (only) slightly out of place, or perhaps not. *shakes head* I dunno. It was a really good chapter and I can't wait till you continue. Keep writing!
Angelfirey chapter 9 . 3/27/2004
*tear* This story's awesome! Keep up the wonderful work!
Curry chapter 9 . 3/27/2004
Zan is an interesting and original twist. I got excited and distracted jumping to conclusions before his introduction. But please forgive a continued confusion here if I missed your explaination. If I assume Youko is not the commone parent between the brothers Zan and Hiei because Hiei's body also has fire-demon genes, for looks, so he can use his powers, and other lore about Hiei's father holding true. Does this mean for Zan and Hiei to be half-brothers (since Hina the ice- maiden is Hiei's mother), Hiei's fire-demon father fell into a magic pool and became the young female fire-demon who died in child-birth with Zan or something?
UNUSED DUDE chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
GAGH! Again, Shizu can't read a fic all the way! She'll have to read it later. Shizu promises that she WILL read it when she gets the time! Okay? Good!
Everqueen chapter 9 . 3/26/2004
OMG, this story is so awesome, I can't wait to read more.
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