Reviews for You’re Stranger Than You Think You Are |
![]() ![]() You don't update for ages and now you update within the same week? Sheesh. _ Anyway, ha, I'mglad you like my questions - and yes, I love analyzing things, ESPECIAL:LY writing - which is why I like works that you can read over and over and still catch new things, metaphors, parallels, etc. _ Big fan of tbhat - and I love it when (most) of the words are picked precisely, meaning its not just there to be there, but it has a "hidden meaning". Often language is buthered by our casual use of it. *shakes head* Okay, small rant there. In any case, I enjoyed this chapter although i know the Hiei we met in the show has not yet fully developed, which is why no one can ramble about OOcness. Heh, yea, I tend to get ahead iof myself :P. But I;m glad the questions help you focus in on stuff you might leave out. That is part of why I do it - lets the writer know what the reader is curious about, etc. etc. So, I dunno when this flashback is supposed to end, and whether the present-Hiei will come back and just quickly narrate the rest to Kurama or is the Past-Hiei (the one in this chapter, for example), will continue to be the center of the story line. Eithger way, Im sure you'll make it work and will choose the one best suited. Oh, as for the color of hiruseiki's . . since Hiei doesn;t cry in the show there is no answer (I haven't seen the manga). The only hiruseikis discussed are ZYukina's and Hina's. Of course many fanfics have his being black in color as contrast - one had it red O_o - but like you sdaid its up to the author. I've done a lot of research online and have seen all the shows aired on TV basically., give or take a few, and yes, information is very contradictory and scarce. I;m still trying to find out what Hiei meant by him and yukina only being half-siblings - OH! Ha! you can use THAT in your storyh! Since Hiei is now occupyiong a body not his own and thus not blood related to yukina (although in SPIRIT he is - thats why its only HALF!) - which also might explain why Yukina has not yet figured out hiei's her brother (strange body, ne?) - although she might sense something deeper it must be confusing for her. _ Hoped that helped - although it was a really spontaneous thought. Teehee. Okay, so now Im suggesting instead of questioning. But now for some comments. I personally LOVE the drama between Hiei and Yukina and ZBOTH their pasts (Yukina is so excluded) - as of nowe you have obviously focused on the drama between Zan and Hiei (sub sequentially, Kurama as well, although at the moment thats not what you've been focusing on). Of course, there is a reason for that - since now Hiei's (as in the Hiei side of that fusion . . .thing) past is irrelevant to this "soap opera" (no, it wasn;t lame, Im just trying to describe without muddling myself up -_-). I don't think I have anything else to say except that Im real;ly enjoying this (and in case you mistook it for resentment, Im happy you'tre updating more frequently, but you can take your time) and KEP WRITING! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Great chapter! I'm so glad you're finally back! This fic just keeps getting better and better. Please update soon. |
![]() ![]() Oh my gosh I luve it.I was alittle confused in the last 2 chapters cleared it story isamazing please contiue it and update soon! |
![]() ![]() A TEMPTING thought. Obviously this would reject the latter tradition of Hiei and Yukina being twins, but would feed into the story of the two being half-siblings that Hiei told Yusuke at the end of the eposide Yukina is rescued in - which story forces fan lore to regard it as a misdirecting lie IF the two "ARE" true twins. But even half siblings MUST have ONE shared parent. So it appears you have also elected Kurama as Yukina's father. |
![]() ![]() You know the episode during the DT when Hiei is fighting Kuro Momotaro and when after Kuro (in his wol beast arm,or) lunges at Hiei and bites his neck "killing" him and then Koenma's pacifer pops out of his mouth in shock? That's what I;m like right now. WOW! What the hell just happened! Poor Hiei? Where's Zan? Is he gone? Is he gone? You are doing an AMAZING job of developing this combined Hiei's character, and I commend you for that. I enjoyed this chapter (if only it were longer!) and can't wait till the next one (which you better write soon)! I remember being so worried about how you'd figure out how Kurama could be Hiei's father and you've just done such a good job! _ That's one heck of a psychological analysis you got there. I wonder if you'll continue to follow the development of Hiei's character. i must sday I was a bit disappointed at therir not being more portrayal of shcok - there was, but no disjoionted thoughts or stupified anythings really - not that it RUINED it but it might have made it vbetter. Then again, could only be my opinion (and you probably know mire about wruting than I -_-). Oh, and another thing - Hiei's fantasies about having a family . . they SERIOUSLY contradict the whole low-self-esteem Hiei which is why he didn;t tell Yukina and why he would have agreed to Shigure's terms to not telling yukina since he wasnt going to anyway (and yes, I know, you're not including that bit, but honestly, I dont think ANYONE knows why - Shigures mental makeup is an unbreakable cipher, although we're really noit told much about him - would have been neat to se what you did with that but oh well - you took it in the opposite direction - which means now you havta firgure out a reason why Hiei didnt want to tekl yukina when he DID find her . . .although Im sure you're already way ahead of me _). Not much else to excet gald you liked the welcome back and hope you're here to stay! keep writing! |
![]() ![]() O_O OH MY GOSH. this was SO STRANGE. I LOVE your story. Please continue it! |
![]() ![]() coolcoolcoolcoolcool! Update soon please! |
![]() ![]() AH! YOU ACTUALLY UPDATED! _ YAY! *grabs author by hand and starts spinning her/him around* Me so happy! Wow! Yea, I agree withyou on the first point you made in your AN, when one looks back on one's writings, they think its crap. I cxan assure you this has happened almost all the time with me, only on a ;arge scale - supposed to be a good thing -_- . Embarrassing though. Anyway, although I know you'll disgagree with me as I have have when others praise my work, I still think that you are/were a great writyer. Abnd I am so happy you updated. YOU HAD THIS FOR MONTHS! *wields magic spatula* HEY! *growls* Anyway, I *suppose* this made up for it. *grumbles* I love Zan's reaction b- poor Hiei! Too anxious . . . . you know its really interesting to think the Hiuei now is really a hybrid of 2 beings. . . he really is a mizture of both the original Hiei's and Zan's characters - altyhough SZan may no longer exist . . . . . maybe the now-existent Hiei just matured after the "transformation"? ((he's still rash but hes not like Yusuke or Kuwabara. . . _ )). Anyway, Im really happy you posted thius. _ I sincerely hope you contine this stiory as well as your other writings, and g'luck with evrryything! _~ |
![]() ![]() Wow... intense. "It was really a simple question. All he offered me was another person's life." oh my gosh. your story is the best i've read thus far. it's so deep. you just can't help but get drawn into the whole plot and then right at the end it just pierces right through your soul. don't ever stop writting. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is very, very good. I loved the scene where Hiei told Yukina. But... did they (Hiei and Zan) meld or something? 'cus if Hiei's Kurama's son, but also Yukina's twin brother, he'd have to be both of them. but did they take Hiei's or Zan's body? PLEASE update soon. I don't even care if you flat and out prove me wrong in your next chappie! |
![]() ![]() ![]() looks like you haven't updated in a while... are you going to continue with this? I hope you do 'coz I am really anjoying it. sharnay |
![]() ![]() Hiei promised the demon who implanted his jagan that he would never tell his sister he was her brother. |
![]() ![]() Hiei promised the demon who implanted his jagan that he would never tell his sister he was her brother. |
![]() ![]() Hiei promised the demon who implanted his jagan that he would never tell his sister that he was her brother. It was in the manga. |