Reviews for You’re Stranger Than You Think You Are
Hieis4gotndreamr chapter 6 . 8/31/2003
This is so good! Update soon!
Rose Thorne chapter 6 . 8/30/2003
I am intrigued. Please continue.
xxPastelSTARxx chapter 6 . 8/21/2003
wow wow, this is awesome! i can't wait for the next chapter! really's just so good and...unexpecting...a bit confusing during hiei (er..zan's?) tale...but i think i got the message in the end :p
Sharnay chapter 6 . 8/18/2003
ooh ooh ooh.

Very nice. I like this story. The first time I read the first chapter, I had to read it like three times before everything clicked (that may just be because I am slow **sweatdrop**) but I still liked it. This is really good. The detail, the story line and everything. It's written very professionally. Keep going.

_~ Sharnay
Spin Of Doom chapter 6 . 8/16/2003
Very good, please continue soon!
Misbehaved Lie chapter 6 . 8/8/2003
Everyone: O_O

Me: O_O is it me or was that a little scary, ne?

Kara: O_O ((nods))

Me: O_O - But still wonderful.
kailyssia chapter 6 . 8/7/2003
great story and interesting chapter as always, but i was majorly confused at times. it probably me just being stupid again ,but what is going on?

is hiei zan? is zan hiei? are they a fusion of so sort? you must explain. are they one in the same are they different or was hiei just distancing himself from the story like he said kurama does? if he's a fusion of kurama's son then wouldn't that make him a completly different person? as in he wouldn't care about his father, sister, pasts and just start over? and if they are 2 different people(hiei and zan) then why do they look so similar? come on what are the chances of 2 kids with red eyes, black hair with white in it meeting and becoming like brothers? you must update soon and explain for all of us stupid people out there. please please please update soon. plus we don't mind long chapters, your story is so good that we don't how long it is. also are you going to have several more chapters or a sequel? that would be cool.
Midnightdream51 only logged out - see below for details chapter 5 . 8/7/2003
Hey this is actually Midnightdrteam51 but because I had already reviewed this chapter when it was merely a note I couldn't review logged in so i had to log out. *sighs* What a pain. Anywho, OH MY GOD! I loved this chapter! Wowies, this was SO damn good! i loved the beginning though at first I had to figure out who was talkin _. The argument between K and H was really good, and I REALLY liked the part about suicide - it was very well written and you had some AMAZING insight there! Also Kurama's analysis of hiei's behavior was good too. How do think of all this? Anyway I cant wait till Kurama pursues Hiei on the suicide thing! You SO have tio include that in this fic! Also, wow, you really found an explanation for how ther whoole thing works! I kinda got confused at times but so far I think that you mean Zan and hiei are a fusion and so connected - Hiei (the original one not current) was only related to father fire demon, mother koorime, and sister Yukina; Zan was only related to mother fire demon and father Youko Kurama - I'm assuming Shigure fused the two and then gave them/him a jagan eye. You'll have to explain exactly how they agreed to it, what happenned precisely (maybe a flashback?), and blah blah blah. Also tell how Hiei (the currently fused one this time) figured out Kurama was his (zan's) father (boy this is confusing!). Also, why when fused did they keep Hiei's name and not Zan's or not make up their own? I cant wait for the rest of this chapter and I hope to see an update soon! You are so creative and descriptive and expressive and insightful and just a REALLY AWESOME WRITER! I cant wait till next time! Keep writing!
Yami-chan and Unrealistic chapter 6 . 8/7/2003
Uh...kinda confused but good story!
Donner Dumott Schunard chapter 6 . 8/7/2003
this is twisted, but good. i really like this
Dark-Koomrie chapter 5 . 8/6/2003
ok first off this was men reviw 4 chapter 6 but i had already reviewed so ok 4 ch. 6 what? umm dose hiei like 2 talk in the 3rd person or sum-thing? i'm like completly confused on what hiei said so could sum-1 help me understand? plz?
lialiakicks chapter 4 . 8/6/2003
Angelfirey chapter 6 . 8/6/2003
argh! cliffhanger! Ack! great story! evil cliffhanger! keep up the great work!
A.H chapter 6 . 8/6/2003
You are an evil, evil person. Write more soon!
ssj chapter 6 . 8/5/2003! YOU MUST!
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