Reviews for What If?
Guest chapter 24 . 10/19/2024
I'm going with the wolf pack is increasing because Victoria and her sidekick Mike Newton are creating a newborn army. I agree with you on SMeyer trashed Jacob's character in Eclipse and she did worse to him in Breaking Dawn by having him imprint on Bella's newborn daughter, who was half human and half vampire. It was gross and disturbed. Great writing! I loved it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 23 . 10/18/2024
What made Emily think that Leah was ready to talk about what happened with her and Sam when they buried Harry not that long ago? Leah will talk when she's ready and I doubt it'd be to her cousin. I love how close Bella and Jacob got and the romance. Great writing! Thank you!
Guest chapter 22 . 10/18/2024
Bella has a fear of abandonment and a fear of isolation due to Edward Cullen breaking up with her and leaving her in the woods. She snapped out of it because she knows that the Pack needs Jacob. As for Victoria turning Mike Newton, that's easy, he's from Forks and knows Bella, so he makes the perfect accomplice or patsy. Great writing! I loved it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 21 . 10/18/2024
They're getting more romantically closer. Bella forgot that in virtual age he's older than her. Seriously, age counts when there's a minor that you're in love with, like the whole gross Quil and Claire and Jacob and Nessie, it was like, "Hey, SMeyer, turning Quil and Jacob into pedophiles isn't romance, it's against the law and disgusting!" Great writing! I love it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 20 . 10/18/2024
I always felt bad for Leah and how Sam imprinting on her cousin hurt her. She had a lot thrown at her then she became the first known she-wolf, her dad died from a heart attack, and worse she was in a pack with Sam, hearing his thoughts on Emily. SMeyer made Leah the villain in the Twilight novels when Emily was the one who took up with Sam in spite of her promise to Leah that she wouldn't. I always thought Jacob imprinted on Bella, it was always there, so there was no earth shattering, gravity defying moment. Great writing! I loved it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/18/2024
Great, they're about to kiss. I hope Alice doesn't show up like she did in the book and movie. Her and Edward linger around Bella like bad gas. I love it! Great writing! Thank you!
Guest chapter 18 . 10/18/2024
I loved every bit of your canon and diving into what makes Jacob tick, Bella, of course. He's my favorite character in the Twilight Books, Edward Cullen is my least favorite, I don't like his toxic/abusive personality. Great writing! I love it! I can't wait to get started with the AU! Thank you!
ForgingAHead chapter 43 . 9/12/2024
Great story, had be hooked
FuelMyDelusions chapter 1 . 6/14/2023
YOU ARE CHANGING MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY BY THE CHAPTER. Oh my god thank you thank you thank you. I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Meganpombert chapter 43 . 12/12/2022
What an amazing story! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into this. I loved reading this from Jacobs perspective! I laughed and couldn’t stop reading this!

Keep writing!
tailanaxaviers chapter 1 . 10/24/2022
Thank you for saving my life, yes that's right, I don't know if you can read this, after so long I found your fanfic so many years later and I finally feel like Jacob Black has been avenged, I'm so glad you exist and have written this from bright shape. You made my sun bright again, my sincerest thanks for so much. chapter 43 . 8/17/2022
I think you deserve to know I listened to the story and the text to speech reads smeyer as smear. And it wasn’t until I went to like the story that I realized you weren’t calling her that (even if it is an accurate comparison). So I enjoyed the story but you deserved to know that for whatever reason.
purplestarr59 chapter 43 . 6/17/2022
I have read literally most jacob/Bella stories on here.(really boring job with lots of downtime.) This is seriously in my top 3 favorites. You did amazing working scenes for your story without ruining the plot or scene, you gave us most of the things we want in a Jacob/bella story and kept the story flowing. Seriously great writing.
Guest chapter 43 . 2/5/2022
Fantastic read. Maybe better than the original
AwesomeAlma04 chapter 22 . 12/29/2021
Its currently 1:30 am, yet im reading this instead of going to sleep. I cant stop reading this, thank you
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