Reviews for Power Rangers AVX
CT311998 chapter 38 . 10/17/2021
Good story. I am upset you didn't adapt episode 37, but giving the storyline, I understand if you couldn't come up with anything. I'm still glad you adapted the other four I asked for.
CT311998 chapter 29 . 8/12/2021
I understand why you did this, since nearly every Power Ranger season has a clip show near the end.
vikung-fu chapter 20 . 6/11/2021
Every time I read your entries for this series, I am just stunned by the thought and effort put into the adaptation.
CT311998 chapter 18 . 5/31/2021
If the Rangers are 17-18 years old, I assume this is set in 1992-1993? Right.
CT311998 chapter 13 . 4/25/2021
Thanks for adapting episode 19. Out of the five I requested, this is the one I was hoping for the most, since its my favourite episode.
James Birdsong chapter 6 . 3/18/2021
Nice six chapters
Son of Whitebeard chapter 4 . 2/23/2021
great friendship
Son of Whitebeard chapter 3 . 2/23/2021
great suction power
Son of Whitebeard chapter 2 . 2/23/2021
I like how Gorman is in command
CT311998 chapter 4 . 2/22/2021
Nice work. Here's some episodes I'd like you to adapt.
Episode 9: As Yearning for a Flute Demon
Episode 19: Clash! Demon Sibling
Episode 27: Girl Violent Demon Phosphorus
Episode 37: Kung Fu Puzzle Girl
Episode 38: Person UFO Hell Picture
CT311998 chapter 2 . 2/27/2020
Ah, so the Yellow Ranger's male like Shunsuke. At least now I know.
CT311998 chapter 1 . 2/21/2020
Is the Yellow Ranger going to be male like on Turboranger, or is it a female?