Reviews for A Song of Fate and Blood
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 14 . 1/18
hope the next chapter comes soon
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 13 . 1/18
tgis is so good, i stayed up an extra hour and a half past my usual bedtime because i couldn't stop reading until i finished the chapter.
I'm so cookedbut thank you
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 12 . 1/17
open a patreon, keep the fanfiction separate, put something non fafic related on patreon (original work, stick drawings, pictures of things, whatever you want as long as its legat to profit off of), patronage acquire.
thats my idea at least.
I'm really enjoying this story.
Killerpickle chapter 3 . 1/9
Seriously wtf, when is guts going to rember whobhebis and bloody act like himself
Killerpickle chapter 3 . 1/9
Seriously wtf, when is guts going to rember whobhebis and bloody act like himself
Uruguay Wolf chapter 14 . 12/30/2024
Holy fuck this chapter is a masterpiece of feelgoods and intrigue building, fuck me sideways I feel like reading a novel rn. I'm sorry for the excessive glaze, yet it overflows anyway from my full mouth
XXxxxadisxxxXX chapter 14 . 12/29/2024
I read this entire thing in a single morning. Kindly fuck off with that ending man. Cliffhangers are only good when a story is completed! Otherwise, I'm angry.

Thariorn chapter 14 . 11/3/2024
Ohh, Rhaegar invokes Griffith flashbacks?
TheCosmicSoul1263 chapter 1 . 10/30/2024
Shut up. A failure like you who contributes nothing to the world and to humanity, has no freedom to say anything. Berserk is much more than you could ever create. And go with your ASOIF fanaticism somewhere else.
slademartin123 chapter 14 . 10/30/2024
amazing! and new chapters too! i was going through old stories i wanted to reread or finish the last few chaps and saw this one was updated. what i found was far more of what i wanted and enjoyed. reading of geralt as he grew was amazing and his experiences in the westerlands was amazing. im a little off about his monsters coming over to this world as id prefer the whole world not get Fth like his did but its still anazing. honestly im rooting for Cersei... like how can i not? normally shes far from my 10th pick let alone first but she just compliments him so well and reminds me so much of a young and hot headed certain woman from his past, just different too. i have to say i look forward to more of this and love your story. im a huge fan of berserk and guts especially, so this story is like a guilty pleasure. i hope and wish you the best. im wishing you the best of luck in everything!
UselessKhan69 chapter 14 . 10/29/2024
Niceu chapta
moose master5543 chapter 6 . 10/28/2024
tbh i kind of hate this stuff him going to the westerlands is stupid af imo. also there’s like no berserk dna here at most we’ve gotten some tiny things here and there but it’s all surface level theres nothing deeper than just surface level stuff that has led to nothing. also the MC seems so weak tbh
E chapter 14 . 10/25/2024
I hope that the next chapter does not take so long as this one seemed to, this is excellent. Assuming the White Walkers arrive at their normal time, this story is gonna be long as hell when it's done. It'll be worth waiting for, though.

I await more, as always.
E chapter 13 . 10/25/2024
No matter where else this story goes, this is enough that I'll be willing to give it a shot. Very good ending sequence.
Now, to finish off what's been written so far.
E chapter 2 . 10/25/2024
I have no idea why you would think anyone reading thought Rickard was a pedo. The only thing even vaguely close would be that Rickard mused that his son has a mature personality, but that's not even close to the classic (creepy) line of "you're so mature for your age". That is said explicitly to manipulate young, socially pressured people who desire to be treated as an adult into feeling like they should have sex with an older person. This is not at all similar to thinking "Wow, I am impressed that this child handles a traumatic moment with such composure; I should let them know I am proud of them". That's just a reasonable observation a parent could have.
Unless you meant kissing his son's head? I really don't know what you were worried about people misunderstanding. I'm tired, so maybe I missed something obvious, but right now I'm just confused.

In any case, I'm glad I don't have to wait a gabillion chapters to get that Guts clearly remembers his past life. If he had to have some kind of "unlocking" moment, it would have been annoying, and I'm glad the implication is already there that this is unnecessary.

Time to read more.
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