Reviews for Extra-Universal Servants
DestinyFate chapter 1 . 7/17/2020
I want a Cayde's profile after seeing this... Any other dead Guardians we could use for this too?
Flight Nest chapter 1 . 3/28/2020
Man, oh man.
I cant wait for more of Historical Guardian or other legendary figure from other series
Mostly i cant wait for Aurash/Auryx/Oryx and his entire family(and in laws)
Guardian wise...Shin Malphur. Rezyl Azir(not dredgen yor). Lord Shaxx, Lord Saladin, Omar Agah, Toland, Eris Morn.
But the moat anticipated is Crota and his sisters. Doubt any Vex individual can be summoned.
Ostentatiousnessness chapter 1 . 3/13/2020
Legit cannot wait for bestbois Cayde and Drifter to have profiles.

Interestingly enough, given how the traveller has futzed with the causality of the guardians I can see them being able to be yanked into the Nasuverse.