Reviews for Dog's Best Friend
DJArla chapter 6 . 11/18/2024
Love this! Love how such a small thing made a big difference
Bambu chapter 6 . 2/21/2024
Great characterization of Hagrid in this lovely piece. It was nice to see him as more than the cardboard cutout he is in canon, and I especially loved that he was a hero.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/26/2023
Love this line: “It felt in some ways like the end of his life as he knew it, the closing of a chapter. Sirius wouldn't have thought there was a chapter after that if not for Harry.”

Sirius I think you should have waited for Hagrid to get Scabbers first. But a least I see you had intentions to give him back: “As Hagrid reached a hand out, Sirius got ready to give the rat over.” But the following chaos from the trio is totally expected.

Oh things are moving along so well. Peter gets a trial and sentence, and Sirius gets help to heal.

Lol Rita gets caught! Love it!

Love that Sirius gets a gathering of friends, Harry, and The Weasley, and his motorcycle. What a lovely ending!
Guest chapter 5 . 11/26/2023
That’s great that Sirius saved Hagrid a headache and heartache over Malfoy and Buckbeak.

I think this is a good look at Remus’ thoughts: “He would check for himself, and if he was right, he would expose the long-held secret to Professor Dumbledore. If he was wrong, then he didn't necessarily have to say anything. He would just continue to keep a sharp vigil for Black, that was all.”

Poor Remus in shock: “In a single instant, Remus became aware of a number of things: firstly, that Hagrid indeed had a second dog; that he seemed worried about Remus learning of this second dog; and that Ron's pet rat looked an awful lot like his dead friend…. A crucial moment too late, Remus snapped out of his horrified stupor.”

And with that cliffhanger, it sounds like Sirius did not keep his calm. Oh no.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/26/2023
I think this is a good point: “Revealing what [Remus] knew about Sirius meant revealing James and Peter's own crimes in becoming illegal Animagi. He was protecting their memories…” in the book he says he didn’t want to disappoint Dumbledore but I think that he wanted to protect his friends. In the book Remus believed Sirius must have used Dark Magic to get in Hogwarts especially since Dementors were on guard. So he has reasoned with his conscience. So I like that you have stated, “As soon as Remus came across evidence he couldn't in good conscience ignore, he would feel forced to act.”

I love that Hagrid is telling stories about Harry so Sirius gets to know about him.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/26/2023
Love the this section: “He had to note the newspaper tucked under the man's arm with some amusement. Fudge certainly wanted to project an air of not being bothered by the place, didn't he?… Sirius knew his relative presence of mind unnerved people…. "Were you done with the paper?"”

Lol Sirius notes that Fudge wants to look unbothered and Sirius just goes I can look even more unbothered. I find it amusing.

Also Hagrid is so tight at the end. Harry needs a godfather. Hopefully Sirius can keep his anger in control when they get to the point of encountering Peter.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/26/2023
I love Sirius’ sense of humor: “"Don't take it personally, Hagrid. You wouldn't be in good company anywhere in this place."”

Yeah Hagrid believes him! I hope they get out soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2023
Oh, what a great start! The atmosphere, the think well of me, the realization there’s no trial, and Tom’s voice are described well. I love the introduction at the end.
HP-fanfic-fan101 chapter 4 . 9/9/2023
This is brilliant and intense! I wish this had happened in canon, it was only a small adjustment to include it.
mumphie chapter 6 . 6/29/2023
a wonderful story! How it should have been. ;)
Guest chapter 6 . 1/22/2023
Perfect ending! They have made everything right!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/22/2023
Good job Sirius on preventing Draco from getting scratched up and preventing Hagrid problems from him.

Hermione would definitely say this: “"Well, I think if this teaches us all anything, it's not to give into superstition," Hermione stated as they walked back to the castle. "If anything, Grimm is completely the opposite of what Professor Trelawney thinks he ought to mean."”

What an ending. Remus is realizing a lot of things. Hopefully he can fix it.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/22/2023
Lol of course, Dumbledore would show up before they settled. Hagrid was not quite ready.

And Sirius after being alone so long I suppose I can understand you not fully aware he was growling but he needs to watch that. Also on that Snape topic, I agree so much with this: “"He didn' have much choice after the war. Professor Dumbledore vouched for him turning spy fer our side, an' folks wanted Dumbledore to keep an eye on him."” Because I agree with Sirius’ assessment.

I knew it was coming but the dementors at the gate are not ideal for Sirius. A lot for Hagrid to do, but I’m confident he’ll help with this.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/22/2023
I love when a plan comes together. I like the overlap with the book where Sirius used the newspaper as motivation.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/22/2023
This is the perfect dry humor from Sirius: “"Don't take it personally, Hagrid. You wouldn't be in good company anywhere in this place."”

What a great plan: “Sirius visited him in his cell in his dog form often, for which he was grateful. In that stage between sleeping and waking, he could pretend it was Fang's head resting on his leg back home in his hut. And that's when the idea came to him. "Yeh do have somewhere ter go. With me!"”

I love how this is going!
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