Reviews for Conquer
jingerr chapter 17 . 8/3/2024
thank God I thought his name was going to be Kisame
jingerr chapter 8 . 8/3/2024
good name!
jingerr chapter 7 . 8/3/2024
maybe hashie's name should have been gara lol
HeartofBraum chapter 37 . 7/20/2024
I don’t want to come off too negative as this is a decent fic, but man is the plot weird af…all the evil team leaders working together feels so completely out of left field, their original motivations completely forgotten as they work under Giovanni’s rule the world plot, like what?
HeartofBraum chapter 8 . 7/20/2024
I am so confused about Arcanine’s ‘hidden’ evolution. I would understand some of the more obscure evolutions like Gligar needing a razor claw or smth but there are Pokemon professors out and about, there is no way over the years that they haven’t tested literally every Pokemon to see if can evolve using an Evolution stone.
KTama20 chapter 1 . 7/15/2024
but... Chansey is a normal type
uglyboo88 chapter 37 . 5/9/2024
I forgot how much I loved this story even with how much of a cluster fuck it can be at times. But honestly mate this story is always gonna be top class.
VincentFS chapter 2 . 5/2/2024
Single-evolution line? Pass. Boring.
jiubantai-taicho chapter 23 . 4/11/2024
Should have killed every pokemon after the one that tried it and that Gengar too
fvdv123 chapter 37 . 4/3/2024
Great story
Dominator1214 chapter 8 . 2/27/2024
thats the most over used, lame excuse evwr. just man up and say you just wanted to use her death for the plot. thats fine. it happens. if there is no loss. its a lame story.
Iyawolfwhite chapter 12 . 12/28/2023
Have you read the fanfiction hard enough on this website it’s Isak Brock and it is really really good
sleepinglush chapter 25 . 12/12/2023
haha i could not help but noticed that the bad guy said how they will control this world just like the others feels like a rainbow rocket situation with that statement
Sandaime Hokage chapter 37 . 11/21/2023
Great fic, really enjoyed the read
UnrelatableAuthor chapter 37 . 11/9/2023
Incredible story.
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