Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
Z chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To Deathwing:

You already said that.
Tsamis chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
Man..the Icon of Sin will be even more powerful due to it having the all the quirks that AFO stole and also the the quirks that the LOV had..Also I think All might might die during the story either from his condition or by the demons or maybe from something else
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To everyone:
Sorry, it was me who write that review bellow me.
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To everyone:
You know, when the heroes and students from MHA world, Four Horseman, Angels and the Doom Slayer will be allies then i like them fight together against Icon of Sin, i believe that will be an epic battle, especially if Icon of Sin will be powered by the all powers that were stolen by that son of a bitch All For One.
Guest8492 chapter 33 . 8/9/2024
The Death Korps of the Creek Marches ON!
Splivit chapter 35 . 8/7/2024
Bruhman chapter 2 . 8/6/2024
To For'Sleep 3rd:
Nah they would scream at him and disagreeing because why would anyone want to be a super hero in a world where powerful deity punching each other, I think they revert to regular people/ country side people and once a week there's a bad shit insane mythological battle in doom slayer and darksiders side.

I think the new society will be the survivor society, because of the great end war/the apocalypse.
Guest8492 chapter 18 . 8/6/2024
Hell, you know someone's moral priorities are skewed when you can legitimately belive that Ruby Rose from RWBY Vol 1-3 would be more likely to convinced to kill someone than these heroes. How might such a thing Occur; well the part from Rose over a Shallow Grave where she confronts Vulpes Inculta after he butchers Nipton would probably be a good possibility. Now her doing so would undoubtedly scar her afterwards and she might end up like in The Mantle of Remnant as scarred and detached afterwards or a completely broken wreck but if given no choice it still comes off as belivable.
Interesting how in read Remnant Inferis: Doom before coming here...
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/6/2024
To Z, Bruhman and everyone:
You know, since the characters from Darksiders appeared like War, Strife, Death, Fury, Usiel, Uriel, Azrael, Crowfather( where here he is good) and Ulthane then others will appear as well. Like for example Samael, Vulgrim, Mad Smith, Lord of the Hollows, Lord of bones and maybe even those evil bosses as well.

I also like if there will be many good music soundtracks from games and movies. Like for example Doom Eternal Main Theme, The Only Thing They Fear is You, Death Brings Hope, Andrew Hulshult Goroth, Intro Sandy's City Remake Andrew Hulshult, Hell on Earth, Meathook, Cultist Base, Archaon theme, The Makers Fight Back, Guardian Boss ost, Doom Hunted, Super Gore Nest, Sam's Base, Gladiator, Sinister, Metal Hell, Damnation, Rip & Tear extended, BFG Division, Harbinger, Flesh & Metal, Welcome to Hell, I am VEGA, VEGA Core, Dragon King (ost from Fairy Tail), Fight against the Executioners, Natsu vs Future Rogue, King of Tartaros Mard Geer, Truly Dread (from Predator 2), Dark Gaia Appears.

I hope you like those ideas of mine.
svetlanaoliveira chapter 13 . 8/5/2024
Okay, but can we talk about Mirko in the newest episode of MHA?
Tsamis chapter 35 . 8/5/2024
If David Shield or Melissa met Dr Samuel Hayden do you think they could work together to help mankind in future chapters?
Getwo chapter 35 . 8/5/2024
I can't believe we're not just getting a Doom game next year but also a Darksiders game as well with MHA finally ending.

This is all coming together like peanut butter and jelly.
For'Sleep 3rd chapter 35 . 8/5/2024

I'm not good guessing with People reaction.. but what are people reaction when everything going to spiraling down to bat shit and Many people dies including a shape of continents is changing because a catastrophic war in Apocalypse War...

And some man said in Group of surviving refugees after everything happen said "Let's rebuild Hero Society like before"...

What make you think the people reaction around him answering or act to that suggestion?
Bruhman chapter 1 . 8/5/2024
To For'Sleep 3rd:
Nah there will be good demons examples are dis, vulgrim and samael, that's is gonna be a main point of doom slayer's character arc soon believe me

Also I'd love to see the hero society become the washed humanity like in evangelion 3.0 1.0 where there's a safe space for the remaining survivor of the 4th impact, I think this will also become a main character arc for most students in ua since they are the witnesses of the apocalypse
They can join the mythological side and fight along the gods or following the advanced technological company Melissa building or just be a regular person in the post apocalypse
For'Sleep 3rd chapter 35 . 8/4/2024

Good demon? Nah, i think it's bad idea...But i think if actually those victim being mutated with Argent energy and in halfway doing so..I can see that Doomslayer will find a cure to ensure to wipe future problem .. if he cannot find it he don't have a choice but to kill it.


I think the reason you sad because MHA ending if you see other angle is very unsatisfying...The ending just outright view us after Last war everything in ending is back to normal, Hero society is back again like before... well there some positive been added but that few ...

But i hope in this fic in Second apocalypse War.. instead back to normal, we will be viewed that Deku and other will Rebuild and open something new in society
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