Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/15/2024
To Z, Tsamis, reeleffendeel and everyone:
I think i have a few sugtestions, first that i like the idea that those dragons from Doom the Dark Ages trailer will appear here, i can already imagine that the Slayer, Mirko and few other people will be riding them and killing the demons on a way, maybe even a titan as well. Second sugtestion is when the demon invasion will start then let it be kinda like in the Darksiders prologue. And third sugtestion is i like the monsters and Pantheon gods look like in the other games and series, like most Greece and Norse monsters look like those from the God of War games.
Th3Hybr1d chapter 35 . 8/14/2024
I don’t know if you have already planned out C4’s demise, but imagine if Doomguy gives him the Kratos executing Hermes fatality. It probably doesn’t make much sense but I’d like to imagine that the Slayer has a sense of irony when dealing with these villains.
Regardless I’m looking forward to seeing the other villains’ reactions to the aftermath of the warpath Slayer’s. Hope you’re doing well!
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/14/2024
To everyone:
When the author update another chapter? I hope we don't have to wait long.
Tsamis chapter 35 . 8/14/2024
I wonder if the Author adds new demons to the story along with the demons from the Doom series when they start invading earth
Hellmare chapter 35 . 8/14/2024
Best chapter as always! Keep it up, man! YOU'RE THE GOAT!
zmanjz chapter 35 . 8/12/2024
that was awesome. very DOOM. unfortunate that these villains have no sense or honor, but that makes them fair game for utter destruction by the DOOM Slayer.
Seeker-7 chapter 35 . 8/11/2024
Holy f, what an absolute peak fiction
Z chapter 35 . 8/10/2024
To Bruhman:

Well reel is trying to make this into a new kind of Crossover Fic, that doesn’t follow the same schtick like most MHA Crossover Fics do. Also I love Seinen setting of this story, more than the Shounen Shit, because in her here: it talks about the adults more than the teens.
Bruhman chapter 1 . 8/10/2024
I hope God in this fic appears similar to nameless deity from Terraria calamity mod, because nameless deity appears to have arms changing constantly from different religions signifying that he's all and I hope we get the black rectangle or blinding light to cover his face because even the higher being couldn't even comprehend what god actually looks like the only one with that information is Jesus.

Also I find it bizarre that this is the only fic have Jesus going to be a potentially a very important character in a mha fanfic lol
Like dude Almost all of MHA fanfic are all about trying to stay vanilla while this fic pulls up with the most batshit insane stuff like doomguy and Jesus fighting demons with different other pantheon deity IN A MHA FIC!?.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/10/2024
I love this. A world filled with super powers meets a higher power. Please give the DOOM SLAYER the Saw Sheild. Keep up the good work.
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/10/2024
To everyone:
I wonder if the Slayer will get back the Shield Saw like in the Doom the Dark Ages trailer? Because the way he used it and throw it was almost similar to the fighting style of the Captain America.
Deathwing chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To Z, Tsamis and everyone:
I wonder when the MHA characters learn that the Slayer is a some sort of Demi-God and he was fighting demons for eons, and what reactions they will have?

P.S. you guys should write on Tv. tropes infos about Izuku, Shoto, All Might, All For One, et ectaecta.
Z chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To Everyone:

Since 80% of Humanity were given powers by the Gods, I think it’s only rare that there are some who have gain more powerful blessings from the more Powerful Pantheon Gods, like we see the Heroes and Villains. While some, gotten pathetic ones, like they were made by Imps for laughs.

And it’ll be even rarer, if some of the Humans gotten Blessings from the Leader Gods of their own Respective Pantheons, since they are more powerful than all their Deity Families combined.

So I’m thinking Fumikage, has gotten his Blessings from Odin, the Norse God of War and Death, and Leader of the Norse Pantheon. And reason why I’m thinking Fumikage gotten his Blessings from the King of Nordic Deities: is because it’s related with Odin having Birds, specifically Ravens or Crows like Huggin and Munnin, plus Fumikage does look like a Crow. Odin also controls shadows since he’s a Death God, and not so coincidentally, Dark Shadow is a literal Shadow. And Odin is a War God, and Fumikage is no slouch when it comes to fighting and making Dark Shadow into a weapon.

Does this seem like a good guess?
Z chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
To Deathwing:

You already said that.
Tsamis chapter 35 . 8/9/2024
Man..the Icon of Sin will be even more powerful due to it having the all the quirks that AFO stole and also the the quirks that the LOV had..Also I think All might might die during the story either from his condition or by the demons or maybe from something else
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