Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
Shadow Walker of Fire chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
...As much as I love this fanfiction for how off-the-rails it is, I hope things are speeding up soon in terms of plot. This is starting to feel like padded filler. Like, I get showcasing the Doomslayer's terror and badassery to the Japan Pro-Hero scene, but I think the L.O.V. and other supervillain organizations should be given focus too, I mean, they are his biggest targets, and if my amateur analysis in writing goes, its that their the biggest sources of conflict. And stories are built upon the essence of answering those challenges (and its consequences and effects).
(Anyways, does that mean you'll come back in late July, or early August. If it's the latter, this is perhaps the first time I've seen you take a month-long hiatus, which is something, given that you update on a monthly-basis. Anyways, good luck on getting your wisdom teeth removed from dental!)
Tsamis chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
This chapter was great
jackex616 chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
I know what you mean im getting all of my wisdom teeth removed Tuesday so i feel you on that one hope you have a good break
Akin2018 chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
I think the chapter was great, I did not see anything wrong how it went, but I think the area felt too small and could bigger, it is warehouse but could be a field as well, like the letting all the villains gather in one spot, working fine.

It just came to me, but I can see the slayer riding on the cycle before jumping off it, and then blasting the villains head off.

Don't think the slayer is worried about friendly fire, since while brutal he does make sure no one gets caught into the crossfire.
Roswelll chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
crngeeboy2023 chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
OP’s already incorporating elements from the new game’s trailer! Cannot wait to see what he adds when the game actually comes out!
Itech439 chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
might gonna skip the slaughter chapters for now until something interesting happens beside killing vilains dont ge me wrong these are interesting but i kinda got bored reading those parts someone will like it
Guest chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
Will the story gonna continue in August or September?
Agent-G chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
I just want to point out you might want to pay more attention to the battle scenes. A chop Shop isn't that big of a building normally, so firing off rockets and then having oil drums explode in an confided space like that. Well both should have sent the building falling down and if not that then everyone in the building would have been killed by the shockwaves from the explosions.

There's a reason why you don't set off explosives in a confined area like this. The shockwaves bounce off the walls and cause internal damage. I know that doesn't happen in the video game but that's a video game and usually you're in wide open areas. So in the My Hero world those first rocket strikes would have killed both villains and the heroes.

I know you wanted a 'cool' action scene but I think you went overboard there. In the future all I ask is just go 'what would really happen if someone did this?' as if you had written it with him wanting to use it but then realizing he couldn't with hostages it might have made for both a bit more realism there but showed more of his humanity that he still has inside.

I have been reading for awhile just never said anything yet, I think you might have made him way more powerful than he is in the game. The All Might fight I felt you put your finger on the scale there as even in his current state All Might would have still been stronger. I mean you can die in the video game to an Imp or fall into lava/super heated metal and just die instantly after all but in this story you seem to take away any weaknesses he has and super charged him beyond the video game version of himself.
IceFire1865 chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
Absolutely brilliant as always, can't wait for more _
JasonRobotnik chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
Doom: Dark Ages is a priquel to Doom 2016 (it's a fact) so it's probably be flashbacks in the story?
Z chapter 35 . 6/20/2024
Well, that was like the third time Flynn traumatized some kids, by butchering that Villain Gang right in front of them. Also aw man, a hiatus, but we can wait. And I’m hoping that Lady Nagant Shows up in the next Chapter? By the way reel, thanks for praising my theories!
Guest chapter 35 . 6/20/2024
This was a really good chapter, slayer being slayer. It's good to see the Ketsubutsu characters, it would be cool to see the others characters from other schools, too. To see there experience with slayer, not in a traumatizing them but show them, this is real. Can't wait to see the others,Shiketsu,Seiai etc and such. I hope you recover well, pulling wisdom teeth is a pain.
Author Shimmer chapter 35 . 6/21/2024
I am really hoping that somewhere along the line the pro heroes will start to notice the Doom Slayer’s change of approach between heroes and villains. On one hand, he brutally and mercilessly kill every single villain that stood in his way, slaughtering some who dare lay harm to the innocent, and ensuring no evil deed goes unpunished. But on the other hand, he pulls back his punches when confronted with the pro heroes or heroes in training; which is evident with how he kicks open an alternative exit for the young heroes in training in order for them to escape and advising them with the support of Vega on how to properly care for Ms. Joke. I’m not expecting them to notice at the next chapter, just hopefully somewhere around the futute chapters. But we will see in the next chapter.

I say this for everyone that the trailer for Doom: The Dark Ages was absolutely awesome! I found myself watching that trailer over, and over, and over again! However, I'm saddened that the original guy who created the metal soundtracks for Doom: Eternal is no longer associated with the developers. Its such a shame, but I do have hope that the new soundtrack in this game will keep it alive and kicking.

I also love the new weapon that allows you to use skulls as ammo and combined a chainsaw into a shield. And the Doom Slayer's medieval armor is god dang beautiful! What got me hooked the most was seeing the Doom Slayer piloting the Doom Mech for the first time as well as the dragon, and I honestly can't wait to get my hands on it when it officially launches.

I’ll be going now, hope you feel beter soon and to see another chapter.
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