Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
InfernoKnightmare chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
Yeah Daisy was the one being that was in Doomguy's life that kept him from going insane as Doom 64 proves he's not the same as he was when she was alive. Daisy was also the one that the demons should have not killed because that is what truly cemented Doomguy as the destroyer of demonkind because as shown in Eternal he still loves Daisy to this very day.
Greer123 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
I wish you a Happy Easter as well. Great connection between Miruko and the Doomslayer's rabbit Daisy.
Firem78910 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
i just imagined what their kids would look like especially Daisy cause you know would slayer would name one of his kids daisy

anywho awesome chapter for any aditional ship izuocha is my number one pick also would doom slayer have mei make more BFG 9000s
Stone125 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
John Prodman chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
Everything that's written seems pretty good. Although it's probably going to change, I like how you've made the Slayer pretty much silent so far. More importantly, everyone is in character. This deserves a favorite and follow.
Elusive Prey chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
Nice chapter! VEGA is precious, don't you let something bad happen yo him or I will smack you with an overgrown tuna! It is a joke XD

"DAMN I'M GOOD!" indeed. What are the odds of her spouting SOME of Duke's one liners? I hope ya thibk about it! It would be a nice contrast to DS.

I can't wait to see her absolute fury and prowess unleashed against the demons. She would be like Roan The Mighty who in his dying moments decorated rocks with vines of demons. Just, she is fully alive, yeah.

I patiently await the next chapter :) and while I was skeptical at first, I wish you the best and bless you with the future pairing!
hector.alcala64 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
so since the heros are going to die does that also mean that they'll also be revived as demons since. quirks are a biological part of them for instance let's say bubble girl is killed and an Archvile revives her would she be the same in terms of power accept you know being undead and possessed or mutated and buffed since as of doom eternal Archviles can now summon and buff up demons including the Marauders Tyrantswhich are pretty much smaller Cyber-demons) and doom hunters ,
Jestalnaker94000 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
Good chapter/Happy Easter! Looks Doomslayer has seen his potential love interest. (:
Ronmr chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
Daisy is love. Daisy is life. XD
Greer123 chapter 2 . 4/12/2020
It is good to have Vega back.
Milo S Darek chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
Yep, this fic is gonna be a keeper and the bridge to Doom and MHA. Character interactions is what I'm rooting for every crossover fic and it's off to the major start with Doomguy finally gaining back a bit of his humanity thanks to Rabbits and Bunny Girls. And if I'm pretty sure, Slayer-san is gonna have a field day trying to blend in with heroics, though it's good to see he doesn't have the same bloodlust like in hell. Heh, I think Tomura is gonna at least reference some Shooter Games based on him.

Now I praise you good luck to continue this fanfic!
LoreMaker chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
I hope you continue the Akame Ga Kill Wrath of the Ultrabots series I would like to see how everyone will react to Exhor when they find out he built the 19 Ultrabots and I like to see their reactions when they find out that a ancient evil dark god named Aku is coming to their world and the Ultrabots are only the beginning. I really want to see the story continue please.
Stryker. AJ chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
*sees Rumi is a main character*

I'm gonna enjoy this
spartin91killer chapter 2 . 4/12/2020
Keep up the good work!
GrimmjowTaichou chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
I hope the Heroes won't treat Doom Slayer as a Villain when the Demonic invation began due to his brutality to the Demons. They pretty much treated the Nomu in the USJ like a normal person when we know that they are not human anymore.
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