Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
Guest chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
So far, I enjoyed the story and the way you write Doomguy, everything he did so far was in character even though it was kinda tame for a guy that doesn't care what people think of him. You managed to even capture his PTSD and Daisy.

Just a quick question, this took place before Doom Eternal and after Doom 2016 right?
Chronologically, that means this Doomguy is after his runs with the Sentinel, with the Betrayer, King Novik, Khan Makyr and the Marauder right? Speaking of the Marauder, I wonder if you would include him in this story. Lore wise, the Marauder is a group of traitor Sentinel Prime, but my headcannon is what if there's a Marauder that is just like Doomguy, pure hatred and was cursed to be resurrected after death until the Slayer is slained.
Lonewanderer chapter 1 . 4/13/2020
If the demons arrive I wonder how would the Hero Academia characters fair against them I understand a person like Might Guy could handle demons like Barons of Hell and Cyber Demons with ease but when the titans arrive on the scene well then I think characters on his level will start to be overwhelmed by the sheer size and strength such Beasts would hold not to mention the likely amount of Hell like abilities they will have. Doomslayer is pretty powerful but he isn't omnipresent. One wrong move could cost a entire dimension into a firely grave forever.

I looked down and I noticed a guest and LoreMaker talking about a entirety different story then this one. I understand you guys are exited about Wrath of the Ultrabots I like that story too and seen many good stories not finish. I really do but you shouldn't be overly concerned about it and harass the guy jezz. Time will come when the author will focus his attention on it rather it's weeks or months from now he will eventually continue it so just have patience I have a good feeling it will continue so worry not about it.
Harassing him will only make it worse.
Anyway everyone stay safe out there and God Yahuah bless you all. Have a nice day.
Annoyed Reviewer chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Why the hell are you guys commenting a story that's not even related to this one! Didn't the author just said he's not in a mood to write that! Who are you to demand from the author to update something?! He'll update those stories if he feels like it! In case you banged your heads and became stupid, we're just guests here. He's the boss around here he'll do whatever he wants! If your not here to read this crossover story and still being butt-hurt. Shut hell up and GTFO!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Then again I think Kurome would be the one to snap when Exhor is revealed to be the creator of the Ultrabots because right now her mentor state is quite fragile likely trying to kill him mutiple times before the Jaegers and Night Raid stop her. And based on what I observed it seems that Wild Hunt was in charge with escorting Exhor likely finding him and the remnants or designs of the orginal Ultrabots somewhere and Syura being the blind ambitious one would definitely be interested in recreating the Ultrabots to expand his power but to make them far stronger and powerful then originals. And since Dr Stylish and Dorothea was there that means they were aiding in the research Exhor's Ultrabots keeping top secret and since Honest is a arrogant ambitious prick like his son he would of forced Exhor to recreate the Ultrabots not knowing or caring of their true nature. Likely Aku had set up something like he did with the first batch of Ultrabots their primary mission was to exterminate all threats to the coming of Aku to Akame's world from the Emperor, military, teigus, generals, organizations, and forever weakening the nation by killing the majority of the population and destroying the economy. It is likely Exhor might have built a portal devise connecting their world with Aku by the order of either Honest or Syura upon hearing of Aku's power and foolishly thought they could capture and obtain his power. But upon the Ultrabots activation everything went south from there and Ultrabots followed their primary objective given by Aku.
Likely they started somewhere in a lab deep under the Palace and killed all the science and guard personnel there before breaking out and killing everything they saw.
How accurate is my observation so far?
And I can't wait to see the destruction of Esdeath's army of 250,000. I can imagine upon trying to return to the capital her and her army stops when they see a group of 19 baskets in the middle of the snowy road then they activated and started slaughtering everyone after saying something like
Then begins the 250,000 massacre with cannons doing no damage and Esdeath finding out that her ice power are not going to be giving these metallic monsters frostbite anytime soon as Esdeath makes her retreat severely injured and afraid, half the Ultrabots followed her to kill her while Liver is also trying to escape desperately with her. Then I believe that's when some of the Jaegers and Budo came in when the Ultrabots were about to bring the killing blow and made their escape barely.
LoreMaker chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
What do you have in store for Exhor when he meets Night Raid, the Jaegers, and the Generals and what are planning on their emotions and reactions to him when they find out he created the Ultrabots in Wrath of the Ultrabots?
Will it be like Leone or someone else being the first one to react and nearly killing Exhor out of rage and sadness before the group calms that person down and they demand Exhor to answer them about who is he and why he created the Ultrabots?
IvolX260 chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Well well well. My curiosity about My Hero Academias started when i read the chapters of this story. I have a lot to catch up with the story to understand but it will not take too long.

I read the other reviews about how the demons could find this Earth, there could be some dimensional bullshit in a very isolated region of the world, some scouts find this world then the Deags can use their magic to draw the attention of the people to join their cause, willingly or by force.

Doomguy could find equipment since the Night Sentinels in the past before his arrival they colonized worlds. He could find the Fortress of Doom below Musufatu and everyone will be mind fucked something like that has been beneath them the entire time.

The Deags probably want to operate in the outer space once they find this world has metahumans to remain safe while they soulfuck the Earth, leaving only Doomguy the one who can handle them.
Lord of Chaos chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
That was a nice first impression, although I’m a bet disappointed that doomguy didn’t get some action, but then again if he did, he would have accidentally kill those villains.

I wonder how are you going to pull off the Demonic invasion anyway? Cultist or something?

And wow, love at first sight. GO DOOMGUY! Go get your Rabbit women waifu.

Good chapter.
iheartblackspottedwhitebears chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
I never thought we can still improve perfection. A 6 foot tall Miruko? Yes, please! I'm loving the story so far and I can't wait for their interaction! Keep it up, keep it up.
AvgustSk chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Want moar. Is not enough to satisfy craving. Props for making this.
Thaqif chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Oh Daisy, Daisy. We will always miss you. That aside, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE WRATH OF THE ULTRABOTS?
Doom King of Latveria chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
Great, Now you added VEGA in this awesome story! Now i can see the unstoppable Hell Marine, and The advance and super high intelligence A.I in action! XD

Well, despite i didn't see Doomguy in action, but i really sastified how you make the fight scene in this chapter!

Please, keep it up! I'm eager to see what happen next! :D
Lord Razer chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
well that was a good introduction to miriko with her kicking ass and being a badass. And now Doomguy has a crush considering he misses daisy. daw.

Though it was a good thing that miriko showed up when she did, cause otherwise Doomguy would have gotten involved and would be in trouble, as he does not exactly have a license to be a hero and all that. Be best to keep on the downlow for a bit before things get a bit heated.

good stuff
Guest chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
'convenience store' not 'convince', I noticed some typos here and the previous chapters, but meh... Anyways, when are we going to expect the demons appearance? What circumstances will the Slayer upgrade his Praetor armor into Eternal armor? Will he receive the wrist blade and the shoulder mounted turret? He doesn't have to get all of this soon, maybe later in upcoming chapters I guess?
Reader chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
And the rabbit heroine is HERE! Right on the Easter day, coincidence? I think not! :D
Have you watched JT Music's video regarding Doom Eternal? They also made one for Daisy to honor her and remind us why the Slayer took the path of perpetual torment against the demon kind.

Marauder: All this grief just for what? Because of a Rabbit?

Arch-Vile: It's not just a Rabbit. It's Doom Slayer's Rabbit!

Marauder: ... Oh

I guess he just realized why it's so damn hard to kill DoomGuy! XD

Happy Easter to you too friend! Cheers! :)
Mendoza249 chapter 3 . 4/12/2020
I see the Doom Slayer likes rabbit girls, lol. Great chapter btw, hope to see the Slayer in action against some villains.
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