Reviews for My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator
Greer123 chapter 2 . 4/12/2020
It is good to have Vega back.
Milo S Darek chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
Yep, this fic is gonna be a keeper and the bridge to Doom and MHA. Character interactions is what I'm rooting for every crossover fic and it's off to the major start with Doomguy finally gaining back a bit of his humanity thanks to Rabbits and Bunny Girls. And if I'm pretty sure, Slayer-san is gonna have a field day trying to blend in with heroics, though it's good to see he doesn't have the same bloodlust like in hell. Heh, I think Tomura is gonna at least reference some Shooter Games based on him.

Now I praise you good luck to continue this fanfic!
LoreMaker chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
I hope you continue the Akame Ga Kill Wrath of the Ultrabots series I would like to see how everyone will react to Exhor when they find out he built the 19 Ultrabots and I like to see their reactions when they find out that a ancient evil dark god named Aku is coming to their world and the Ultrabots are only the beginning. I really want to see the story continue please.
Stryker. AJ chapter 1 . 4/12/2020
*sees Rumi is a main character*

I'm gonna enjoy this
spartin91killer chapter 2 . 4/12/2020
Keep up the good work!
GrimmjowTaichou chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
I hope the Heroes won't treat Doom Slayer as a Villain when the Demonic invation began due to his brutality to the Demons. They pretty much treated the Nomu in the USJ like a normal person when we know that they are not human anymore.
GamerJay chapter 1 . 4/11/2020
So it’s finally here. :) Looking forward to seeing Izuku and Class-1A ripping and tearing alongside the Slayer. It’ll be interesting to see how his Maykr enhanced power measures up to the Pro-Heroes’ Quirks

So, the Slayer and Mirku, huh? Guess he’d have a thing for insanely strong women with a rabbit motif. ;) Wonder how it will work out, though.

Somehow, I can imagine Izuku eventually going down the same demented path as the Slayer, as in his personality slowly changes as the PTSD kicks in to the point he stops tolerating Katsuki’s BS, calls him out for it and eventually starts getting physical (like maybe tossing him off a rooftop, a not-so-subtle jab at Katsuki’s suicide dare at the beginning of MHA). And his fighting style slowly emulates this as he shifts from All-Mights brand of doling out justice to the Slayer’s Night Sentinel Rip and Tear.

As for the forces of Hell, I think even the League of Villains would be freaked out by them, especially by the Deags. Nilox, Ranak and Grav are like twisted versions of all those Saturday Morning Cartoon villains they’d fit right at home in MHA. And I can see them going after Katsuki, Neito and numerous other students, Heroes and Villains and trying to entice them onto their side.

I predict Mei Hatsume, and probably all the Support Department, would literally salivate at the sight of the Slayer’s Praetor Suit and weapons. _

That’s all from me for now. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Lord Razer chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
this seems to be going well.

the displacement of doom guy being in a normal society is well shown with him finding it weird and at the same time distressing in how he hasn't been normal or at peace at all during his long years. Though that will probably fade when he finds out how corrupt the hero society is ad how the various quirk uses aren't exactly peaceful. Do wonder if doom guy is going to get his weapons or if he will make do with whats around.

good stuff
Agurra of the Darkness chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
hmm, pretty short but I guess that's to be expected since you did mention shooting these out in short bursts.

Not gonna lie, part of me was thinking the Doomslayer was gonna start attacking people with mutant quirks thinking they were demons, so nice to see inspite of the games he isn't as trigger happy as we think. Though there is a precedent set for that as even in Doom 2016 we see that the Doomslayer does care for and feels empathy for humans, he's just not very good at showing it. And now that VEGA is around he has someone to talk with.

Main thing I'm wondering is how he's going to interact in this society. Considering his go to method for dealing with threats is pumping them up with various calibers of projectile metal I don't foresee that being something he can do in densely populated areas.

However, the thing I'm most interested to see is just how differently he deals with or simply lives in this society. Sure this world isn't exactly peaceful but compared to HELL, this is more or less paradise for him. He can finally relax a little bit, take a breath, smell the air, enjoy contact with others and finally let go of some of his rage. The Doomslayer has a massive hate boner for Demons but even he isn't bloodhungry enough to open a portal here just to get back to killing demons as he'd just be condemning another world to destruction and he'd never do that.

So seeing him adjust will probably be the highlight of this series.
InfernoKnightmare chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
Ibara is going to either fall into despair when the demons invade or she'll become a heavy metal listening (because this is fucking DOOM) demon slayer or paladin that is among the strongest due to her faith in God, angels and heaven itself since there's hints of actual heaven being involved.
Ibara is also going to kneel before Doomguy and call him God's Divine Enforcer sent to them in their darkest hour. Of course Doomguy is going to look at her and raise his eyebrow like really young one I'm no angel nor am I a demon, I am the Doom Slayer the Unchained Predator The Hell Walker the Scourge of Hell I am human but at the same time not so stop your praying child for your not praying to some divine being type of look underneath his helmet.
I can't wait for Doom Slayer to just rip and tear human traffickers apart since underneath everything Doomguy has become, he is still that same marine that disobeyed orders to fire on innocent civilians.
A Writer With No Name chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
I feel like Hayden meant to send him to Animal Crossing in order to calm him and convince him to stay out of the way. Then the machine screwed up and sent him to someplace similar, but funnier when you think about it.
Elusive Prey chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
Demons are not gonna have an easy time here. Superheroes and DS himself? The Deags would have to reach out to the supervillains and... of course, the mighty indestructible titans. They, heroes, might want to find crucibles afterwards.

Of course, cults are a thing.
rancorlover chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
Not the anti hero they wanted, but the one they deserved! And he is going to pet that bunny!
Lord of Chaos chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
Wow, this is an unexpected fanfic story I stumbled into. And it’s a DOOM/MHA crossover, nice. And I agree with you, I also like GamerJay story Remnant Inferis: DOOM. Best DOOM/RWBY crossover of all time.

I read the previous chapter and this one, and I’m liking it this but I got a couple of questions for you but I’m going to settle with 1. Since this is your story, is there going to be characters death in this fanfic?

Can’t wait to see where this story goes.

Take care buddy, and stay safe, clean and healthy. We’ll overcome this pandemic. I’m going to reread Remnant Inferis: DOOM, GamerJay is doing some updates of his previous chapters.

P.S. If you want to find and read a good fanfic story, I got a few recommendations for you to read, if you want to.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/11/2020
I’m enjoying the story
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