Reviews for The King Is Dead
Darling Nova chapter 17 . 17h
This is at least my third (I think) re-reading and it has been as enjoyable as the past ones. I know nothing of Warcraft but I can read your fic with no problems since it's such captivating story. It's written in a way that's so clear I can piece the lore together. I started following it in 2020 and I still think it's a wonderful tale with complex characters, a coherent plot and a great writing style. I hope you are well, update whenever you want to. It's a gift you're giving for free, not an obligation
dianille chapter 1 . 9/8/2024
Omg, I found this story from someone's bookmark and become interested. I don't know shit about Warcraft but this work is still fascinating
falseproffitt chapter 2 . 7/10/2024
i don't understand why your Arthas is so repentant and a whiney bitch? he disavowed the gods.
Hoosthat chapter 6 . 6/16/2024
This fic is so underrated. If you ever come back to finish your work this arguably could be the greatest crossover. Hoping for an update sometime soon!
vinayakdj1 chapter 15 . 6/1/2024
R I.P. corona took another friend from us
mysticalvoid111 chapter 17 . 3/1/2024
Ah sad, history repeat itself hehe. Arthas is repeating his mistakes.
mysticalvoid111 chapter 15 . 3/1/2024
Lol, twice a slayer of king and kin. At this point, I'm just laughing rather than feeling depressed about this.
mysticalvoid111 chapter 13 . 3/1/2024
I was actually grateful that at least not one of Joffrey and Arthas are not born as a girl otherwise we might see another Cercei and Jaime-style incest attempt but a failed one, yet again the thought that Joffrey might be gay actually crossed my mind. Oh Fck.
mysticalvoid111 chapter 10 . 3/1/2024
You can't choose family but sometimes you wish you could— Arthas
mysticalvoid111 chapter 9 . 3/1/2024
I shouldn't have expected more from you, Mandon
mysticalvoid111 chapter 8 . 3/1/2024
I guess reality is finally dawning on him and Mandon's sudden switch doesn't seem that simple
mysticalvoid111 chapter 4 . 3/1/2024
Alright, I'm gonna chalk it up that he's in denial and a bit too self-absorbed because of... well, emotional baggages, and not because he's actually a bit too naive that I can't really see why he's a crown prince once and that he's actually a reincarnation.
DragonTetho chapter 17 . 1/3/2024
when will this get updated? like bro come on
Primus2021 chapter 7 . 11/30/2023
"If I fall, our cause is blown away like dust in the wind," Arthas said. Yet, it must be done. If Renly will not speak with me, I will make him. "Does that thought not please you, Ser Loras? Or are you too craven to face a boy of ten and two?"

Wouldn't that make him 12? I thought that Jon & Robb were 17, with Sansa being 14, and Joffery & Arthas were 2 years younger than Jon & Robb and a year older than Sansa at 15.
Primus2021 chapter 5 . 11/29/2023
I honestly think Arthas is making many mistakes by trying to not repeat the "mistakes" of his past.

Also I hope that Lady didn't get murdered.
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