Reviews for The Age of Men
Baahubali chapter 30 . 11/29
This is a really interesting fic, I love to see how Icarus is building his city and all his schemes.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/17
Cringe gary stu wish fulfillment
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 4 . 4/8
The Dionysos bit was fascinating, and the running joke in Grover being too young for cursing is still amusing.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 21 . 4/2
This is an awesome story, thank you for writing it.
XenoLucifer chapter 30 . 3/10
There is something you need to learn, and that's how to take a break, because there has been no downtime inbetween the arcs, it's action into action into action and it's getting overwhelming.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/7
Don't really understand how annabeth dying is mc's fault since the girl forced her way onto the adamas then she deliberately let prometheus go free because she thought she was smart so it was definitely the right decision what makes that worse is how she did it for information that was already known though she didn't know that but still... Along with her mother forcing situations to play out in a certain way so her problem child would be relevant... If it's anyone's fault it would have to be athena since it's obvious she used poseidons estranged daughter's attack to orchestrate these 'coincidences' so she could remove icarus's weapon from him since she isn't allowed to do anything but we all know she is only doing any of this simply because she felt slighted since she wasn't honored lol even if she knows for certain that the weapon wasn't meant to be a spear it doesn't matter since accepting that would remove all of her perceived justification for going through with all of this
Guest chapter 26 . 3/7
Either athena or the fates pushing events in a certain way so annabeth can do something instead of just doing an task assigned to her to keep her attention is funny asf
Visual Bliss chapter 17 . 3/6
To me it always felt as though the reason the oracles were supposed to be virgins was so only apollo could fuck them and then immediately heal them right after so they would still be virgins
Shahzeb chapter 30 . 1/31
so why exactly is Annabeths death being blamed on Icarus. she snuck in on the trip and now bianca is getting annoying about the consequences
AzurePheonix101 chapter 6 . 1/29
Yo this is hype… really enjoying this
SamTheSlytherin42 chapter 24 . 1/3
It feels out of character for Icarus to not free Nico as well, assuming this isnt another case of fate influencing his actions, it makes no sense for Icarus to leave someone trapped in the lotus hotel especially someone so powerful
Jxgod chapter 10 . 12/24/2023
this story is amazing. it has a quality to it that is breathtaking. „Make sure you dont rise too high too fast“ said by Dionysus coupled with ikaruses behavoir and world view then with what happened to his predecesor it just all comes together so beautifully. like he inherited the providence of the original ikarus and is fighting fate to fulfil what was impossible before. . reach the sun
Jxgod chapter 4 . 12/24/2023
damn you actually made me like mr D. that was some brilliant writing
LuluViBritania chapter 8 . 11/28/2023
Atlas grabbed 6 apples so he should have 5 more why is he acting as if he gave away his only apple?
Infinitrix chapter 30 . 11/27/2023
Come back please this shit is gas
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