Reviews for The Rise of the Enclave
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16
Creo que seria importante actualizar Rise of the Enclave a continuacion
Guest chapter 21 . 9/2
.Supongo que tal vez el plan de Ahriman involucra una tormenta Warp que podria destruir el planeta Fehl Prime , poniendo a Tau y Humanos colonos en una situacion incomoda
Guest chapter 19 . 9/2
Cuando viene la proxima actualizacion de The Rise of the Enclave
Guest chapter 21 . 9/2
Se que la nave Collector fue destruida pero en verdad sería geblañ una batalla de cinco frentes entre los Eldar, Tau y Humanos de Fehl Prime contra Collectors y Chaos Marines
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2
Me encanta esta historia , incluso me encanta como los personajes de Warhammer fueron transportados desde su universo a a el universo / realidad paralela de la Via Lactea de ME
Queria pedirte mas Crossover de Mass Effect tan buenos como con Warhammer , Voltron Legendary Defender entre algunas otras series centradas en el espacio extefrior
Sci-Fi Guy 22 chapter 21 . 8/29
Sees: The Rise of the Enclave.
Expects: Fallout Enclave Victory.
Finds: Some warhammers in space or something idk.
Seriously though great story! I hope you continue this.
Sci-Fi Guy 22 chapter 18 . 8/29
Its always a good day when Eldar plans fail and their blood is spilt, arrogant pricks.
Chronus1326 chapter 21 . 8/26
Good chapter, thank you!
LezGo35 chapter 21 . 8/25
ah, so the Warhammer universe's timeline is set to the current era, good to know
Travis Btmb chapter 21 . 8/25
tftc i do wish you would have kept the other factions out of the story i think it would have been better with just the tau or a SI with tech from 40k building his own empire
Anon chapter 20 . 8/6
when do you think you will update this? it's really good.
ToasterForkerAnonymous chapter 4 . 3/27
tau on average are shorter than Humans. the lack of comment of how the asari display beauty characteristics that a Tau would favor also seems like an oversight.
RandomReader chapter 20 . 12/21/2023
"It was still tens of thousands of years ahead of human technology in this galaxy."
Not that much. There was the fall and old night, where they had to reinvent athmospheric flight and even steampower in some places. Human tech in 40k did not progress steadily over time. Pre-Fall humanity was far more advanced than the Imperium. All the really advanced stuff the Imperium has is based on tech from that time, and often poorly understood by the Imperium itself. Furthermore, the advanced tech is rare. Handheld plasma weapons exist (though only the heavy versions can realistically destroy a tank), but even the more well equipped Astra Militarum regiments can only field a few of them. The Imperium will sacrifice entire squads of soldiers to recover a single plasma weapon from the battlefield, because advanced tech is much harder to replace than scores of people.
So, when it comes to Imperial tech, their best stuff is better than the best stuff the Tau have, and far better than the best stuff the Systems Alliance has.
When it comes to their average stuff, the kind of technology that is accessible to normal people, both the Tau and the SA are leagues ahead of the Imperium. Their normal soldiers have vacuum rated full body armor, a personal shielding system, an on board sensor suite, inbuilt automatic medigel dispensers and communication devices potent enough to reach ships in orbit- the latter one is a huge force multiplier. The average guardsman has a lasgun, a flakvest, a helmet and...not much else. Comms? One person per squad has a bulky backpack that maybe can reach the next command post. Sensors? One auspex per squad, IF the missions warrants it. Otherwise, none. Medical supplies? Light wounds are no excuse to stop fighting, says your Commissar. It is highly advisable to listen to your Commissar. Medical care mostly (some squads have a paramedic with basic supplies) happens after the battle and is often crude. If you're a commoner (like 99.9x% of the population), your equipment is more valuable than your life. So if you need extraction, better hope it's easy to take you and not just your stuff. If you're in the Death Korps of Krieg: They will definitely take just your stuff and then euthanise you, but you won't mind- you've been brainwashed since birth to accept this. Truly advanced medical tech exists, but if you're not important or rich (and therefore important) it's not for you. There's an exception: In some cases veteran soldiers who have proven to be valuable assets or have rich patrons get augmetics to replace lost limbs, even if they're of low birth. But they're exceptions.

"If they started sacking or destroying worlds of the Citadel Council, they'll blame the Systems Alliance.." No, why would they do that? There's Cerberus, independent human colonies in the Terminus, human space pirates, human mercenaries etc. The Citadel Council can distinguish all of those perfectly well from the Alliance.

"Worlds of the Citadel Council" don't exist. There are Turian worlds, Asari worlds, Elkor worlds etc.
It's like saying Houston, Texas is a city of the United Nations. While you can argue that they're somewhat related by virtue of the US being a member of the UN, you wouldn't phrase it that way because it would give a wrong impression of what the UN is. Same with the Citadel Council. They're a supranational organisation with member states, not a unified polity with their own territory.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/17/2023
Can’t wait to see where this goes
Anon chapter 19 . 6/22/2023
Can't wait to see more, take your time to make it the best
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