Reviews for One of One
Nicthalon chapter 8 . 1/12
I love that your pithy statement is from Civ: BE. It's my second favorite Civ behind 6!
DarkRavie chapter 34 . 11/27/2024
I really love this story. It's an excellent read and I so look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
DarkRavie chapter 4 . 11/18/2024
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Superjew94 chapter 1 . 9/28/2024
I do wanna point out now that the eugenics war has been officially canonized to start in the 2040s ish thanks to strange new world. The story is now mostly Canon. Lol
kr0n0s00 chapter 28 . 9/19/2024
can you bring stan lee
Soul Sendant chapter 6 . 9/14/2024
this is some teenage drama for sure
Soul Sendant chapter 5 . 9/14/2024
this went from pretty decent to immature retard level garbage in such a short period enjoy your fuckboi smut kiddies im out to hunt down some nore intelligent and mature stories. i agree with the real authors that fanfiction is garbage and is all about stealing someone elses work and characters and placing them in highly unlikely sexual scenarios nothing worth reading at all. fanfiction and archive of our own are just havens for ignorant porn addicted teenagers and pedophile trash
Soul Sendant chapter 5 . 9/14/2024
your retard level argumentsin support of mental illness is ridiculous. men and women in a relationship is natural the rest is disgusting depravity that should never happen and has no place in an intelligent society you brainwashed trash are everything wrong with the world today
Soul Sendant chapter 4 . 9/14/2024
and the mentally ill faggot trash also strait away why are sheeple who write fanfiction so fucking stupid and immature
Soul Sendant chapter 4 . 9/14/2024
the auhtors notes are highly unnecessary thus far. and the highly immature sexual scenes are rather disappointing and stink of pornhub addicted virgin idiocy. Are you suggesting i jerk off while looking at you and go to the bathroom afterwards while on my break? thats some really immature fucktard shit that you would only see in porn or the mind of some stupid kids
Soul Sendant chapter 1 . 9/14/2024
lmao ron doesnt deserve shit lol
Soul Sendant chapter 1 . 9/14/2024
hermione isnt the smartest witch idk why that lie gets clung too like the divine truth. her character was just as stupid as this book already makes her out to be.
AshokaTheGreat chapter 14 . 7/3/2024
Oh man that was so awesome.
RedOuroboros chapter 34 . 6/27/2024
short but good looking forward to more
RedOuroboros chapter 30 . 6/27/2024
oh Prophesy HP will adore that love the story thanks
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